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Brexit Reviews

  • Gaylord 2022-03-23 09:03:08

    The power of precise push

    If the tactics are right, victory will be waved not far away. After analyzing the voting crowd after brainstorming, those who are already standing are unshakable, so the 11% are the crowd that can be won. Identify commonalities and target them. The collection and analysis of big data by data...

  • Llewellyn 2022-03-23 09:03:08

    Pandora's Box of New Politics: Victory of Sensibility over Reason

    The development of algorithms has affected our lives so profoundly. When people are accurately pushed their preferred speech and preferred thoughts, real thinking will become more and more lacking. What is the meaning of democracy? Democratic voting is no longer a consideration of...

  • Isabel 2022-03-23 09:03:08

    A vote, a farce

    The behind-the-scenes instigators of the Brexiteers are trying to present what the people want to the masses. "Take back control" is just a slogan, a pretext to get voters to vote. There is a sense of exploitation to those who don't have the relevant thinking skills and live a very unsatisfactory...

  • Nelle 2022-03-23 09:03:08

    a little experience

    To be honest, I just read it and I didn't know much about it. It's not very clear what the film is trying to convey. After checking some information, I found a very interesting fact: Cuo Fu is actually a Remainer, but he plays a Brexiteer in the play. I don't really understand why he's doing...

  • Alexis 2022-03-23 09:03:08

    a little experience

    To be honest, I just read it and I didn't know much about it. It's not very clear what the film is trying to convey. After checking some information, I found a very interesting fact: Cuo Fu is actually a Remainer, but he plays a Brexiteer in the play. I don't really understand why he's doing...

  • Kolby 2022-03-23 09:03:08

    Brexit: Democracy or a guinea pig

    The article was first published on the public account Ceguoguo .

    Reminder: The full text is 2600 words, 11 pictures, and the reading time is 8 minutes.

  • Stevie 2022-03-22 09:02:43

    keep on losing

    The results of the UK general election have come out. Boris, who is ridiculed by left-wing academic actors and media elites every day, has won an unprecedented victory. To be honest, just watching social media before the election really has a feeling that the Labour Party wants to dominate the...

  • Dillon 2022-03-22 09:02:43

    Not a film review, purely to record personal feelings

    It's a film that I want to watch again and analyze well (from a political point of view, not about film technique)

    The film (in part) shows the terrifying power that technology can have - changing the political landscape. The general public is unaware that their ideas are being directed in a...

  • Rosemary 2022-03-22 09:02:43

    Brexit: The Uncivil War and Reflections on Current Populism

    Be sure to watch it again! I feel that this film explores very deeply, politics, society, human nature... Maybe there are more angles that I haven't seen. Humans have thoughts, reason, but also feelings. It’s not easy to be rational, but it’s easy to be influenced by emotions, and emotions are the...

  • Rosalind 2022-03-22 09:02:43


    It is a very real and thought-provoking work. It explains the whole process very clearly, the rhythm is relatively compact, and it is not difficult to understand. It is suitable for people who are interested in the United Kingdom, Brexit, and politics. After reading it personally, I am...


Director: Toby Haynes

Language: English Release date: January 19, 2019