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Brexit Reviews

  • Brendon 2022-04-19 09:02:44

    Brexit: The Unreasonable Battle | Brexit or Hair Loss

    On June 23, 2016, with 17,176,006 votes in favor and 15,952,444 votes against, the United Kingdom passed the "Brexit " referendum and announced its withdrawal from the "EU Group Chat".

    On January 15, 2019, the British House of Commons, the British House of Commons, voted to reject the "Brexit"...

  • Verlie 2022-04-19 09:02:44

    From the execution of Socrates to Brexit

    Using a referendum to decide whether to leave the EU is the beginning of a farce. A referendum should never have been one of the options for the Brexit decision, if not even one.

    As the size of the population grows in tandem with the complexity of the events being decided on, the effectiveness of...

  • Margot 2022-03-30 09:01:09

    "Battle of Brexit"/Battle of data take back control

    The exclusive release of the film by CATCHPLAY did not interest me much in researching Brexit either. I just remember that on the day of the Brexit referendum, I was playing in Japan, and by chance I got a Chinese newspaper in Chinatown. From that day on, I still have about ten days to travel, and...

  • Alexanne 2022-03-30 09:01:09

    I don't want a good show to be underrated

    I was very depressed throughout the winter vacation, and there were no good new dramas. Today, I accidentally opened Renren's video, and I was delighted to see Benny's new drama.

    I don't watch Benny's plays very much. From Sherlock, Doctor Strange to Melrose, he can always use superb to perfect...

  • Lorena 2022-03-24 09:03:24

    Large scale or small sacrifice, which is more important?

    We spend more time online and feel lonelier than ever. My father used to work on rigs, oil fields, so much energy, buried deep in the ground, slowly accumulating over time, groaning, wailing, waiting to be released, waiting to vent, you just have to find them location, and start digging, drill a...

  • Lenna 2022-03-24 09:03:24

    Facing the new age position: The methods of inciting children are written in the criminal law.

    Too tired to read it. After waking up, pick up your remaining thoughts.

    Are the people children? In the face of "father" conference calls and handed out ketchup, beans and mashed potatoes, the kids are still clamoring for juice and toys. Of course the father would be upset - but he couldn't keep the...

  • Harrison 2022-03-23 09:03:08

    On the occasion of Brexmas

    It's Brexmas and I've watched Brexit: Unreasonable Battle and I can give it an 8. After choosing a camp, how many useless competitions are to win for the sake of winning. Everyone knows the result, but many people forget how it all started.

    1. Those who get data get the world. The game has changed,...

  • Wendell 2022-03-23 09:03:08

    The real data is in the hands of the elite

    350mil pounds per week is going to the Eu, if not doing so they can have a complete NHS system, 70 mil Turkish people might immigrate if Turkey joins the eu (as refugee and not economic immigrants)

    Jobs.. Take BACK control to stir up the desire to leave the EU, people who are not satisfied with the...

  • Jennifer 2022-03-23 09:03:08

    attack more

    At that time, I didn't care about current affairs, and I didn't know how big the impact was. I only vaguely knew that there have been many more attacks in the UK since then, and it seems that it has become not safe enough.

    The film is considered to be a semi-documentary way to restore the situation...

  • Destinee 2022-03-23 09:03:08

    Doubt about democracy

    What are the conditions for a democracy to function successfully?

    Are those making the decisions well-informed?