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Breaking the Waves Reviews

  • Reynold 2022-03-22 09:02:04

    father, where are you

    July has come, July has gone... July left us in August , and when August came , he picked up the old man who sold flowers... So, the bell of the chapel rang peacefully, and the pastor in white came home wiping his sweat peacefully. We listened silently, watched and waited peacefully... There was a...

  • Green 2022-03-22 09:02:04

    dead as eternity

    The hostess, Bess, is dead without any worries. One of her corpses was dug up for burial, the other was thrown into the sea; what was left was notorious on the one hand, and infinitely missed on the other. Director Russ seems to want to portray an extraordinary (so-called abnormal) woman in the...

  • Enid 2022-03-22 09:02:04

    dead as eternity

    The hostess, Bess, is dead without any worries. One of her corpses was dug up for burial, the other was thrown into the sea; what was left was notorious on the one hand, and infinitely missed on the other. Director Russ seems to want to portray an extraordinary (so-called abnormal) woman in the...

  • Angela 2022-03-21 09:02:14

    Did you really understand this movie?

    Watching a heartbreaking movie, "Breaking the Waves", in front of my roommate, I was in tears, I almost cried but I couldn't hold it back! It's so sad, the heroine's short life, she has been looking for love, and the true love she got cost her more - her life! God asks: Are you trying to save...

  • Brandy 2022-03-21 09:02:14

    "Breaking the Waves" - A Hymn of Faith and Loyalty

    Doctor: "What's your talent?" Bess: "I can believe." Doctor: "He made you have sex with many strangers." Bess: "No, I only make love with Jan." Doctor: "I don't want to be crazy To describe her, if I have to describe her, I just want to use good." Bess has faith and believes in love. She said that...

  • Domenick 2022-03-21 09:02:14

    interesting, interesting

    Post-modern mannerism & intelligent joke. That's why love him.

    The visuals&music in the middle always gives me a sense of extreme beauty and extreme shock similar to romanticism. The things that are divided into chapters actually start to be a bit sacred and abusive. I saw the film review of the...

  • Marcelina 2022-03-21 09:02:14

    like it

    Lars Von Trier actually has such a movie, I can't understand it. I didn't accept it very much, and then I thought about it for a while and accepted it, but it's still the same sentence. It's necessary, but I don't like it. And high praise in film history? maybe not

    I agree with what a neighbor said,...

  • Manley 2022-03-21 09:02:14

    desire to live

    Beth, an insecure, neurotic, sensitive, and abnormal woman, is a typical Lars von Trier heroine. The ideas and values ​​in Von Trier's mind are always carried and expressed with the help of extreme character psychology and personality. Of course, this is because his ideas are equally extreme.


  • Ericka 2022-03-21 09:02:14

    love and redemption

    It happened that I just watched "Happy Lazzaro" yesterday, and the religious knowledge in it helped to understand this film.

    First of all, "Breaking the Waves" mainly discusses the relationship between love and redemption, and the director continued this discussion in a more straightforward dialogue...

  • Trycia 2022-03-21 09:02:14

    There is a length limit for short reviews, so continue to write here

    I think this is my favorite Lars Von Trier movie so far. Crazy Hoof's movies have a particularly fascinating mysticism, a particularly literary dimension. While Bess was alive, no "human being" truly accepted and loved her as unconditionally as the god in her. She has always had so much love...