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Breaking the Waves Reviews

  • Zita 2022-04-21 09:02:34

    Break the waves

    A mentally handicapped woman, deeply in love with and completely submissive to her husband, believes that by having sex with another man, her paralyzed husband can be healed. After various attempts, her husband recovered, but she died. Such a story that seems almost absurd in the eyes of normal...

  • Jeffrey 2022-04-21 09:02:34

    Beth's Fall in Love

    How naive and cruel is Beth's love's demise. Like an angel going to hell. This movie is an elegy, sad on the surface, but inside it reveals the cruelty and ignorance of the human heart. How great is a man of faith. Each chapter of the movie has a theme and a song, which is very appropriate. She is...

  • Onie 2022-04-21 09:02:34

    love is a religion

    I have no religious belief, so I have never been religiously attached to any theory or thought. But after reading this article, I found that love is like a belief, I don’t know when it was planted in the depths of my heart, budding, I fantasized about it, became fanatical about it, and then doubted...

  • Ryleigh 2022-04-21 09:02:34

    This is definitely not a simple love story

          After watching Lars von Trier's recent The Dancer in the Dark, Dogtown, The Antichrist, and watching this movie, I will naturally have a lesson from the past. Knowing Lars von Trier's style and preferences, Master La is as expected. In the early years, he was extraordinary, and he was able to...

  • Toni 2022-04-21 09:02:34

    Two themes of breaking the waves

    Two themes: First, civilized, too civilized. Whether it's girlfriends, mothers, church members, or children, they are all twisted and sad creatures of repression and dissatisfaction as Freud's "Civilization and Dissatisfaction" said. Bess is a living, real person.            Two, the dark side of...

  • Nicolas 2022-04-21 09:02:34

    I hear the cry of your soul

    "Breaking the Waves" is a sad film about the love and crying of a person's soul. It has the broadness of "my soul sings praises to you because it loves you" (Augustinian), and it also sacrifices itself because of love for you, and even sacrifices itself. The tragic beauty of the sacrifice of life....T

  • Felipe 2022-04-21 09:02:34

    Religious propaganda films that do not see the essence

    I learned about Lars Von Trier before and thought his film should be good, so I just watched this film. First of all, the artistry of this film is unquestionable. The actors perform well, with philosophical viewpoints, and the pictures and plots have symbolic expressions. But I don't agree with the...

  • Carmel 2022-04-21 09:02:34

    The more beautiful the more fragile

    There is only one way in our world, and we are only "qualified" to live in it by complying with various rules and regulations. Another way, belongs to the Lord. The purity of bess made her completely ignore the rules of the world. Her pure and beautiful humanity was not destroyed by society, so it...

  • Sunny 2022-04-21 09:02:34

    von Trier's religious films

    A modern version of Joan of Arc? ! Who can say that the one who always talks to her is not the real God, didn't Joan of Arc also fail to prove that she sensed God? Casual sex is dirty, what about killing? She has sex all over the place for her just for true love for her husband (not much to say...

  • Lue 2022-04-20 09:01:51

    Breaking the waves - Neuroticism at its finest

    I like neuroticism, focused and obsessed eyes, involuntary twitching movements, pale haggard face, messy and dull hair, decadent hoarse or sharp and mean voice... It's like the style of the male lead singer who reinvents the statue's power, like 37 Degree 2 Betty's expression, the voice of a slut...