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Breaking the Waves Reviews

  • Allison 2022-01-02 08:01:35

    "Break the Waves" movie script

    "Waves" screenplay Danish Zentropa Entertainment ASP, France La Sept and Eurimage1996年联合出品Screenplay: Peter Aspen Musen, Lars von Te Lien Director: Lars von Te Lien Starring: Amy Leigh Watson (playing Beth McNair), Steyron Skarsgard (playing Jane), Katerina Katrich (playing Tao Tao), Adrian Rollins...

  • Agustina 2022-01-02 08:01:35

    Breaking the Waves-One's Religion

    For such a well-received and in-depth classic film, I can't say that I fully understand it, nor can I say how resonant it is. I even felt uncomfortable and puzzled when I watched it. But it's so strange, I can't talk about liking it, but I can't help thinking about it again and again after reading...

  • Franco 2022-01-02 08:01:35

    What color of love

    Speaking of love and love movies, the first thing that comes to mind may be the stories on the western screen, the romance of "Sleepless in Seattle", the obsession of "Human and Ghost", the splendor of "New Bridge Lovers", and "The English Patient" The sadness of the East, the timeless elegance of...