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Boy A Reviews

  • Athena 2022-04-21 09:02:59

    What people call a "sense of justice"

    After I just watched this movie, I didn't have a lot of thoughts. Maybe it's because I didn't understand some of the settings of the movie well, such as why journalists in the media still track Jack. ...After reading some film reviews, it was like a dizzy, and everything became clear.         So in...

  • Lavonne 2022-04-21 09:02:59

    boy A is not ugly

    Personally, I like the feeling of depression and loneliness after watching the movie. The open ending can make me immerse in it for a long time. In the story, two lonely boys hurt a girl. In the eyes of the world, these two boys are demons, unforgivable, even after many years. But the two boys are...

  • Cleve 2022-04-21 09:02:59


    "I believe a man deserves a second chance. I also believe in his right to privacy." "The past doesn't equal the future." "It's what he's doing now that's important, yeah? His present. His past is moot. " "Oi, Terry. Yeah, they know. Everyone knows now. I'm on me own now. I can't go back being that...

  • Emiliano 2022-04-21 09:02:59

    How I wish I could see this movie sooner

    Every choice made in the past affects the future, and when people are hurt, they may turn out to be abusers, especially in childhood or adolescence. I really hope to watch this movie in 2012 or 2013. It will definitely inspire me. I should show this movie to students in school and explain this...

  • Ellen 2022-04-21 09:02:59

    between light and dark

    It was for the actor Andrew. In the struggle years, the brightness and hope he once represented were part of the light.

    So seeing his silent, sensitive, and gloomy performance in the movie, it seems to see the border of darkness.

    The question goes straight to the heart: Is it worth reclaiming...

  • Syble 2022-04-21 09:02:59

    You and I may be acquainted

    The film title of boy a has a similar meaning to the passer-by, just like the strangers we pass by or have no time to say hello, or you or me, everyone is someone else’s passer-by, but every passer-by is a deja vu The shadow, this shadow illuminates the road of life slowly, a road of...

  • Randi 2022-04-21 09:02:59

    Does everyone deserve a second chance?

    Once bitten, twice shy. This is the life experience summed up by most people, and it is also the most intuitive manifestation of human nature.

    If you were Jack's side, would you dare to approach such a murderer? Even if he is really remorseful, he is eager to help others, lives hard, and carefully...

  • Letitia 2022-04-21 09:02:59

    The movie is very powerful, I like it very much, it seems to be the same as myself

    When I saw this movie, I thought of how vivid and realistic my childhood was. I recalled myself crying in the corner and no one came~~ How to say it, it's not the boy's fault. I watch this movie. I feel good that I have found my childhood. Primary school for six years. Being bullied every day I...

  • Haylie 2022-04-21 09:02:59

    admit it

    "Every saint has a past, and every sinner has a future." But not many possibilities. Perhaps the person who should be blamed for the failure is lack of confidence and patience, but who gave the human beings the nature of not going out with good things and bad things spreading thousands of miles? If...

  • Jamil 2022-04-20 09:02:10


    Eric is dead and can no longer be Jack. The new identity is unwilling to accept, which is where Boy is at the end of the film. . . If I think there is a choice, I will let Boy continue to Jack, face everything, maybe it will be another sky after gritted teeth, although it is only a very slim...

Boy A

Director: John Crowley

Language: English Release date: September 4, 2008