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Boy A Reviews

  • Toy 2022-04-22 07:01:42

    "Do you remember the girl we rescued together?"

    Anything that happens to others will always make people stand and talk without back pain, but if such a thing happens to them, there are a few people who can truly tolerate, accept, and forgive.     What's more, even if the murder in his youth is not exposed, can Jack really start a new life. He...

  • Kevon 2022-04-22 07:01:42

    never forgive & forget

    I really like this boy with thick eyebrows and big eyes who can't even speak clearly, and his mouth is very curved when he laughs. Why do people around him no longer trust him, cast aside him, and deny him after knowing his past? Do people really hate the murderer because they sympathize with the...

  • Jerrold 2022-04-22 07:01:42

    Once a killer, always a killer?

    After watching Boy A, I think a lot of viewers were outraged. Why not give this kid a chance? Why can't he be reborn? Do individuals have to pay a lifetime price for the crimes they have committed? I admit that I am one of these aggrieved people. It wasn't until later that I started to think more....

  • Vance 2022-04-22 07:01:42

    On Tolerance and Forgiveness

    A childhood without love and discipline, because a dangerous friendship is stained for life. Legal forgiveness has a time limit, but what about human forgiveness? Have it? People are used to labeling people: bad boys, murderers... The magic of these labels is that they are naturally isolated from...

  • Bailee 2022-04-22 07:01:42

    Miscellaneous talk

    In the end , I think it's not that the society has given up on him , it 's just that he lacks the courage to face him . The public opinion, and the suicide of his childhood friend gave him a psychological hint that all these coincidences led him to that seaside . He was cowardly, so cowardly that...

  • Houston 2022-04-22 07:01:42

    The world is so big that there is no room for him.

    In a room with only one window, he was nestled in the farthest corner. He cried and said I was not the boy I used to be and never will be the boy I used to be. The sky outside was still bright, but it was still that dark world. The sunshine of understanding and tolerance did not penetrate from this...

  • Rebeka 2022-04-22 07:01:42

    Your stain, you can never erase it

    You kill people, intentionally or instigated, teens or 30s. There is no so-called hope in your life anymore, because you are not given hope. Even, you shouldn't have survived in the first place. You go to jail, you get parole, you change your name, you make new friends, you save people, you fall in...

  • Quinn 2022-04-22 07:01:42

    He was just a child - after "Song of the Barbarian"

    Every independent film is a beautiful eulogy for people who have passed away.   "BOY A" ("Song of the Barbarian"), the Chinese translation is really exquisite, the whole film is a dirge that touches the soul. I don't want to talk about the family issues reflected in the movie and the various...

  • Wendy 2022-04-22 07:01:42

    Forgiveness or indifference

    If the colleague around you who works hard, cuts a knife for a friend, and sacrifices his life to save others, has an unbearable past and a sin that you can't forgive yourself, you will choose to forgive or be indifferent, or even betray him like everyone else. , reviled him, cursed him. All...

  • Alfredo 2022-04-21 09:02:59

    every demon was an angel

    It's been a long time since I encountered such a good five-star film. The last film I was stuck in and couldn't get out of was "Manchester by the Sea". The narration of the two films is somewhat similar.

    There is also an unforgettable past. One struggles to get out but fails again, and the other...

Boy A

Director: John Crowley

Language: English Release date: September 4, 2008