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Black Christmas Reviews

  • Kurt 2022-08-16 21:03:55

    Feminist lost

    I thought it was a runaway movie before, yes, it is indeed a runaway movie, but you have to endure 50 minutes of super boring and chaotic plot first, endure illogical and irrelevant advancements, and endure what the sisters say is meaningless The line, endure the contradiction of the heroine as the...

  • Thea 2022-08-16 19:46:55

    Boxing movies under the prevalence of boxers

    The whole story is boring

    Then there is the female boxer Huo Huo punching

  • Al 2022-08-16 19:12:44

    I just want to watch a horror movie

    The mutual suppression of patriarchal society and matrilineal society

    At the beginning, I was confused. Is this what an academy founder said? Isn't it that science benefits you, me and him? It was spoiled at the beginning, knowing that there will be supernatural phenomena in the future.

    At the...

  • Kameron 2022-08-16 17:54:36

    "Black Christmas": The Rage Intensified in the Mi Rabbit Era

    I didn’t read the previous two versions before I went to see it, but after reading the introduction, I found that the focus of the previous two versions is a serial murderer who kills young girls as a selling point; and this adaptation is not horrible at all. The film is based on the background of...