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Black Books Reviews

  • Berta 2022-03-23 09:02:17

    The colorful life of three people

    Two days ago, I saw someone translate "Black Books" into "Black Books" somewhere, and I was really embarrassed.   The cuteness of these three living treasures is that although smoking and drinking are not taboo, they are always kind. In fact, they are the Taiji of the society around them.    Now if...

  • Garnett 2022-03-23 09:02:17

    London home squat

    Black Books is a typical representative of British family comedy. Unlike TBBT, which GEEK represents, the protagonists in Black's Bookstore do not have nerd genes or nerd culture. Their hearts are very longing for the outside world, but because of the brain short circuit syndrome, they have to stay...

  • Angel 2022-03-23 09:02:17

    he is a liar

    When I knew that he was still the writer and director of the show, I almost felt that I had fallen in love with him, so I frantically searched for other videos, and saw one of his talk shows, I found that he is very popular, people love him, I I thought that liking him was a very small thing, maybe...

  • Coralie 2022-03-22 09:02:05

    Absolute Quotes

    S01E01 --I expect better service. --Expect away. --Thank Christ! --Hello . We are wondering if we could talk to you about Jesus. --Great! Come in! --What? --I'd love to hear about Jesus. What's he up to now? Come on. --It's a trick. --Come in. --Just…people don't usually say “yes”. --Well I'm not...

  • General 2022-03-22 09:02:05

    a little disappointed

    This is the first British drama I watched, because I was tired from watching American dramas and wanted to change my taste. I have only watched the first episode of the first season so far, and I feel that the acting is too hard and too exaggerated, and I am very disappointed. Originally I heard...

  • Timothy 2022-03-22 09:02:05


    Episode 1: =_= Episode 2: = Mouth =  Black Book Episode 1 I watched it again with a blank face, why do British dramas always (at least at the beginning) seem to be non-stop and unskilled It's like telling a funny joke! My HHP doesn't get poked, I'm so irritable, fall...! But...but! ! In the second...

  • Gillian 2022-03-21 09:02:17


    Bernard and Manny quarreled because of Bernard's arrogance and selfishness, Manny decided to leave him, but when they separated, both parties realized the importance of each other, which cannot be replaced by others. Glad they're back at Black Books at last. (Though Manny ended up going to the...

  • Sincere 2022-03-21 09:02:17

    Black Bookstore

    I have already watched the first season of Banner's attitude towards selling books. I admire Banner's free and easy accompaniment, cute and eccentric. He seems to know nothing, but he can always speak amazingly and clearly, and the lovely Manny always makes The piano part is really amazing. The boy...

  • Horace 2022-03-21 09:02:17

    Not yellow not angry green funny

    As the title says, this is a comedy that is neither yellow nor angry. There is no ups and downs in the plot, and the small details make people laugh until their stomach hurts.

    After laughing, I can't help but think: There may really be one or a few people in this world who live a truly free life....

  • Trevor 2022-03-21 09:02:17

    A complete collection of absurd burdens


    Writing and sticking "on phone" to face, refusing to chat "I'm leaving now" when on the phone, choosing windows instead of doors when going out... Socket is dripping - "The socket doesn't know what to soak in now." The preacher who suddenly broke into the house. "Are you sure? People don't...