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Big Hero 6 Reviews

  • Brett 2022-03-22 09:01:12

    Daddy Dee, do you think my kneeling posture is standard?

    The setting of the city is very interesting, and the translation of the old Jingshan is also very accurate, San Francisco + Tokyo, there are a lot of Japanese elements, probably because Japan's robot industry is very developed. The high-tech city settings coupled with the very regional features,...

  • Elinor 2022-03-22 09:01:12

    Robots also have emotions

    In the fictional metropolis SanFransokyo (SanFransokyo) that combines Eastern and Western cultures (San Francisco + Tokyo), a little prodigy Xiaohong who is proficient in robotics discovers that this high-tech city is facing a criminal crisis. To dismantle the conspiracy to save his homeland, he...

  • Vito 2022-03-22 09:01:12

    A journey of healing

    Whether it is the combative title of "Big Hero 6", or the story setting of 6 "stunt" friends joining forces to save the city, it looks like the children + animated version of "The Avengers". Or "Guardians of the Galaxy". But in fact, its pen, ink and intention to portray emotions are far beyond the...

  • Caden 2022-03-22 09:01:12

    The lines that touched me in the Big Hero 6

    1. If you are angry, bully me. Anyway, I like you so much.

    2. Believe me, even if one day we accidentally leave, I will come back to find you.

  • Letitia 2022-03-21 09:01:13

    Cartoon, let's go on advancing, the other is not important.

    After reading many film reviews that pointed out loopholes, the replies all said: It doesn't matter if there is no logic for children, it's just entertainment, it's not exhausting to find loopholes, and so on. I would like to ask: 1 Does animation need logic? I feel more and more that nowadays...

  • Dayana 2022-03-21 09:01:13

    More expectation, more disappointment

    Last year, when I heard that the word of mouth was good, I was actually looking forward to it. After all, Dabai is so stupid and cute. The attractiveness must be MAX, but the first feeling after reading last night is that it's too~ pull~~ It's really the protagonist's halo buff It doesn’t matter if...

  • Nora 2022-03-21 09:01:13

    Talk about the shortcomings, I hope Disney will do better

    To be honest, this animation is Samsung, the story is complete, no more. I even hit five stars privately before, so I can't love Disney too much! Generally speaking, this is a collaboration between Invincible Destruction King and Frozen. It is a strong alliance, and I am looking forward to it. The...

  • Loyce 2022-03-21 09:01:13

    Don’t write about movies, don’t exaggerate, write about the quality of children watching movies

    I don’t know if you have the same troubles as me. Such a good movie, but there are always a lot of very noisy "little angels" around me... even I was thinking, can I watch it in different stages according to age? If you want to be noisy for a child, just make a noise. For an adult, give us a chance...

  • Lucinda 2022-03-21 09:01:13

    Extremely cool, extremely gentle

    When I saw the miniature magnetic robot appear horizontally, I just wanted to cry and cry for human beings. It seems that the Marvel of yesterday is the Google of tomorrow and the Asimov of tomorrow. The life trajectory of the 0th male protagonist Teddy is shown intermittently, full of a human...

  • Maxine 2022-03-21 09:01:13

    Who doesn't long for flying wings and warm embrace

    After watching "Big Hero 6", I came out with red eyes, and I couldn't calm down for a long time. I am not a movie-watcher who "can put down the plot and go out of the theater" as Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse Rinpoche said. For the movie I like, it will become an inner strength, which will continue to...