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Big Hero 6 Reviews

  • Roger 2022-04-20 09:01:11

    Super Marines

    The connotation is good, very meaningful, and quite touching (the setting of the brothers made me a little uncomfortable at first, but I didn't think about it really is still a single protagonist)  The creativity is also very good, the protagonist's micro-robot, the protagonist's...

  • Kristy 2022-04-19 09:01:17

    I cry in laughter

    It's a great movie that combines elements of comedy with a little bit of sadness. Baymax is the most intriguing character in the entire movie. Chubby, cumbersome to walk, speaks innocently like a child, and all that is charming and cute. I cried for many parts of the movie, but the one I cried the...

  • Willa 2022-04-19 09:01:17

    I am very satisfied with your care - on the superiority of dual card dual standby inflatable dolls

    I'm not playing undercover, I'll kneel and lick Disney and Marvel. This article contains a lot of spoilers, don't read it if you don't like it. For various reasons, I watched the anime movie "Super Marines" co-produced by Disney and Marvel last night. In the first three minutes, I was stunned by...

  • Hillary 2022-04-19 09:01:17

    Heal Mengxia counterattack

    Text/Dream Poetry and Books Is there any child who doesn't love the whimsy and whimsy that day? What other kid would refuse a superhero dream? As the first show of Disney and Marvel's perfect animated film, "Super Marines" not only has a perfect visual perception in production, but also the heroic...

  • Nakia 2022-04-19 09:01:17

    "Super Marines": Embrace your smile like the sun

    Even though Blu-ray has been released and pirated copies are flying around, the author can still resist the temptation to dedicate this long-awaited animated film to the cinema and IMAX for the first time. I watched a lot of animated movies in 2014, but the overall quality is not as good as in...

  • Assunta 2022-04-19 09:01:17

    We help people

    nice.   I also want to have a big one.   We should help others. This common sense, which even children know, seems to be gradually ineffective now.   Two days ago, I watched Dragon TV's emergency room story, a reality show. One of them was an old man who accidentally fell while getting off the bus...

  • Rodger 2022-04-19 09:01:17

    Teen Iron Man

    The shortcomings of BH6 are: although there are many characters, except for Xiaohong and Dabai, they are all tricks. The characterization is superficial, and the inner drama is too deliberate. Compared with Incredibles, the protagonist and supporting characters have distinct personalities, full...

  • Aryanna 2022-04-19 09:01:17

    Growth concept

    Following last year's "Frozen", Disney won another Oscar this year, relying on Dabai. This super cute product known as Baiqiuen, Cup Noodles, and Dabaibai has been popular all over the world and has become another superstar in the animation industry, and is regarded as a treasure by countless...

  • Miles 2022-04-19 09:01:17

    How the Super Marines were built

    After the blue fat man Doraemon, the most popular character in 2014 is the white fat man, the big white. After winning the Oscar for Best Animated Feature Film, he came to China non-stop and won 35 million at the box office on the first day, becoming the runner-up at the box office of the day. It...

  • Alberto 2022-04-19 09:01:17

    Hello, my name is Dabai, my English name is Baymax

    Hello, my name is Dabai, my English name is Baymax, and I am your personal health assistant. I sensed that you have a health problem because you are so old and still watching Big Hero 6. Oh, no, it's Big Hero 6. Well, the English name is not that taller. (blinks) On a scale of 1 to 10, what is your...