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Big Hero 6 Reviews

  • Franz 2021-10-18 09:30:29

    A good movie is the best ruler

    There has always been a peculiar psychological perception among domestic movie audiences: cartoons are for children. So every New Year’s and holidays, as long as there are animations, the theater is always crowded with groups of children. Among them, only a few keep quiet, and most of them...

  • Kaitlin 2021-10-18 09:30:29

    This is a fantasy story about anti-corruption in academic circles

     In the distant world, there is a San Francisco. In a small village below the mountain, there is a talented young man with thick eyebrows, big eyes, full sky, and clear bones. The young Xiaohong relied on the obsidian star to fight with people. This Xiaohong has an older brother, in the...

  • Horace 2021-10-18 09:30:29

    Marvin, the most melancholic robot in history, is 42 times more adorable than Da Bai

    Posting this post here is a bit of a mess. But I can't help it. Because the most adorable robot in my heart is not the popular Dabai, but Marvin from The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Marvin is a robot suffering from depression. Its round head is equivalent to a planet, and it is extremely...

  • Celestine 2021-10-18 09:30:29

    Da Bai is my mother

    "Big Hero 6" is the best movie I watched recently. This seems to be recognized. The feedback received is full of praises of 72 changes, and the original form is just one word: good. At first there was resistance, because as a literary cancer, there has always been a faint rejection of hard,...

  • Rosemary 2021-10-18 09:30:28

    Count the various skills of Baymax

    Personal doctor (clinical + psychology): Bring your own body scan, potion spray, electric shock device, and at the same time, you can become a psychologist and send out all kinds of love hugs. Sexual knowledge popularization teacher of adolescent bear children: Comes with detailed graphic...

  • Eugenia 2021-10-18 09:30:28

    17 things you should know about Big Hero 6

    17 things you should know about " Big Hero 6" 1. According to art designer Scott Watanabe, the film takes place in a parallel universe. In this universe, after the San Francisco earthquake in 1906, a group of Japanese immigrants used special mobile buildings. Technology rebuilt it. The...

  • Devon 2021-10-18 09:30:28

    Showing off skills and selling cuteness is not a good sign

    This year's Oscar competition for the best animated feature presents the same pattern as last year: three in the United States, one in Europe, and one in Japan. However, compared to last year's "Frozen" + "Crazy Primitives" + "Despicable Me" 2 such a luxurious lineup, this year's three...

  • Deondre 2021-10-18 09:30:18

    Regret a step away, Big Hero 6 (Big Hero 6)

    Disney's new film Big Hero 6, the Chinese translation of Big Hero 6, the Big Six Heroes or the Big League of Legends (WTF), and then used BH6 as the collective name, is undoubtedly the most anticipated animation film at the end of this year. The patch 1 trailer (in the patch trailers of...