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Beyond the Hills Reviews

  • Lola 2022-03-20 09:02:45

    Beyond the mountains, sin is worse

    Seeking truth from facts, people cannot distinguish the boundaries between human nature, religion, science, and superstition. The director did not bluff, and calmly finished describing this place and this person, allowing the audience to self-evaluate and reflect on themselves. From the point of...

  • Cletus 2022-03-20 09:02:45


    I don't think the director intended to show the "ignorance" of religion.

    Regarding loneliness and despair, the life-saving straw of the worldly people is the love of the worldly people, while the believers have chosen the love of God. Suffering people long for a spiritual habitat, which makes the...

  • Kara 2022-01-20 08:02:27

    When God becomes a rival in love

    The embarrassing situation that left onlookers unable to choose to stand in line, and the dilemma that left the parties helpless, is the expression of the intent of the attention-grabbing Romanian New Wave movies in these six or seven years. Whether it’s the historical retrieving of "Twelve Eighth...

  • German 2022-01-20 08:02:27

    We are going to fly over the lunatic asylum after all

    You see, if you find yourself a god, you will be safe.

    We always have countless unknown things to digest and explain, and eventually we will be driven back by the vastness of the universe, so we are sincere and fearful, realize that we are as small as dust, and hope we have a more developed...

  • Amber 2022-01-20 08:02:27

    God does not kill people

    The two long-lost girls hugged each other in the noisy and crowded train station, very happy. Of the two, Vickya wore a black monastery burqa, and Alina wore a shabby coat. The opening of "Beyond the Mountain" quietly buried the lead of tragedy with such a symbolic scene. Two former friends, one...

  • Rebeka 2022-01-20 08:02:27

    Role guessing and analysis

    Mengji's shots have always been realistic and restrained, embodying the magnificence of the plot and the praise and hatred in his heart in the details. Given that the director said too little, I couldn't help but want to "speak" more for the director. But it is wrong to say more, welcome to discuss...

  • Leopold 2022-01-20 08:02:27


    I admire this director so sharply, calmly and emotionally. The previous April was as fast and cruel as the Romania film, an event triggered thinking, but each other stopped abruptly. The film is always sharp, but people's emotional expression or people's psychological state are more expressed. 1....

  • Emma 2022-01-20 08:02:27

    Romanian view of religion

    Alina’s land is really annoying. The monastery is not his world. She doesn’t have a letter. She desires too much. Thinking and doing things are entirely in her own position. She does her own way without considering the other party. She is irritable, irritable, aggressive, and extreme. self....

  • Destiney 2022-01-20 08:02:27

    Tangled position

    As a person who has no religious beliefs, I have to admit that I am more interested in watching movies that use religion to talk about religion than in “sacred movies” that seriously discuss religion or exaggerate the role of religion. Because of this, in my opinion, movies like "Beyond the...

  • Orland 2022-01-20 08:02:27

    The best punishment

    Probably as long as you are friends, you have to experience this embarrassing moment more or less: one makes a certain request to the other, unfortunately the other cannot meet it-if it is a money problem, it seems to be easy to handle, and it can be done in all kinds of ways. This level will not...