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Beowulf & Grendel Reviews

  • Eleanora 2022-12-10 16:14:43

    "Epic" of modern people

    If I hadn't touched the text first, the feeling of this movie might not have been so shocking. Beowulf is an epic of the Anglo-Saxons in the Middle Ages, but this film is a modern interpretation and interpretation of human nature. To put it bluntly, the shell is still that shell, but the inner core...

  • Ashleigh 2022-09-11 21:23:39

    It seems to be dull and calm down to ponder it is worthy of fun

    Many people give up after watching it for ten minutes. The plot is a bit boring, but the more attractive it gets later. Two things are impressive: one is that after Grandel was cut off, a group of Danes celebrated their feast and drinks and reveled. Beowulf, who should have been the happiest hero,...

  • Sarai 2022-05-03 06:01:03


    This is destined to be a movie that not many people like to watch. It felt a bit similar to the Lord of the Rings at the beginning. I thought it was just an ordinary adaptation of literary works into movies. As a result, compared with many film and television works that deified history, it inferred...

  • Bernhard 2022-05-03 06:01:03

    The Troll family is not very effective

    It should be closer to the original, but the plot feels very flat and without tension. The process of defeating the three parents of the Troll family is actually very simple. The combat effectiveness is not very strong. It is just that the wild survivability and running ability are excellent....

  • Jasen 2022-05-03 06:01:03

    Lost in translation

    Sometimes it's one thing to watch a movie before, and it's another thing to know the English name of the movie. Someone told me "Ocean Eleven" a few days ago, and I was still wondering what kind of movie it is. I checked it and found out that it was actually the famous "Eleven Arhats". I have to...

  • Marques 2022-05-03 06:01:03

    Detail fetish

    No special effects at all. But the lens is beautiful. Cliff corner and the cold gray-blue sea in the night guarding the Viking Ship imagination of medieval Northern Europe is like that feeling of some antique and wild. Those helmets are very interesting for cremation of Jinbei stone piles. There...

  • Isabell 2022-05-03 06:01:03

    Human dignity begins with Cain

    The story begins with an encirclement and suppression. The king of Denmark led his men to kill the father of the giant Grandel. According to the king’s future self-report, it was only because of a fight for a fish. Hanging on the edge of the cliff, Grandell escaped the killing. He deeply imprinted...