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Back to the Future Reviews

  • Guido 2022-07-31 13:02:24

    Back to the Future: The Story Line is Clear

    Oops, the time is too short to write many comments after watching the movie. Well, it is a classic time-travel movie. Time travel was on fire a long time ago, isn't it?

    The storyline is very clear, and the description is as soon as possible. There is no extra burden, and there is a lot of room for...

  • Daphney 2022-04-23 07:01:01

    Sad crying anime girl head

    Sad crying anime girl avatar, Jiefang Junction on the old card A, I fell in love and opened the room. Pull the speed card points to see the Jiefang intersection on the old card. I fell in love and opened the room. If you fall in love with the Jiefang intersection on the card, you will open the...

  • Alfredo 2022-04-23 07:01:01

    back to the future

    A classic movie that looks flamboyant. Back to the Future is a great name too. The time we live in has not yet invented a time machine, but according to the passage of time, we are still "back to the future" all the time, but our process of going back to the future is much slower than Marty. I hope...

  • Amber 2022-04-23 07:01:01

    Back to the future should still be the same

    In the first part of "Back to the Future", the hero used the energy of lightning to return from the past to the present, but he failed to catch up with the Doctor who was killed by terrorists, and when he came back, he was driving a time machine back to the past. . This just happened to form a...

  • Brittany 2022-04-23 07:01:01

    very classic

    1985, comedy sci-fi adventure movie " Back to the Future | Back to the Future "

    This is a series. In my mind, it is like a movie textbook. I used to come here often when I was a child. It seems to be on TV. After watching "Ready Player One" this time, I came back and replayed it. It is still very...

  • Shaun 2022-04-23 07:01:01

    Almost because of the good movie I missed in 1985

    When watching the TED of "How Every Small Choice Affects a Big Life", the main speaker mentioned the plot of the movie "Back to the Future", plus the "Ready Player One" car egg that has been brushed twice, it is considered "Back to the Future". Ru Lei Guaner has never watched the movie because it...

  • Destin 2022-04-23 07:01:01


    The last time I saw it was five years ago when I was in the first year of the first year of junior high school. I still like it after I repainted it today. It is very classic. In addition, let's talk about some small discoveries after the second brush: · Spielberg is the producer of the film ·...

  • Rebeca 2022-04-23 07:01:01

    Why don't domestic films have such a family-friendly theme?

    Tong did not have the opportunity to see this film when he was young, otherwise it would have a profound impact.

    A time-space machine, going back to the past, trying to change the future, but experiencing unexpected things in the past, achieving personal growth (or finding out the truth). This model...

  • Bell 2022-04-23 07:01:01

    Do we change history or does history change us?

    At the beginning of the film, Martin faced the proctor who had also disciplined his father thirty years ago, and said with an angry eye: "History can be changed." This is like a declaration, suggesting the plot of the film. Leaving aside the last two parts of "Back to the Future", the story of the...

  • Wilburn 2022-04-23 07:01:01

    It turns out that Americans used these memes in the 1980s

    I probably watched too many time-travel dramas. When I watched the movie, I felt that it was not surprising. I always felt that I had seen it in a domestic movie, but I forgot that it was only a 1985 movie. The Doctor is just like Xu Jinjiang of Variety Star. The plot of traveling back and meeting...