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Ashes of Time Reviews

  • Loyce 2022-03-21 09:03:01

    The reason why people suffer is because they have a good memory

    Sister-in-law: I used to think that sentence was very important, because I thought that some words were for a lifetime. Now that I think about it, it makes no difference whether I say it or not. Some things will change. ...I always thought I won, until one day I looked in the mirror and realized I...

  • Eliezer 2022-03-21 09:03:01

    Kanglong has regrets

    A long, long time ago, someone taught me a martial art. He said it was the best in the world. Later I found out that Wong Kar Wai was just telling the same story over and over again, and the people in the story all learned this kind of martial arts. This kind of martial arts is not difficult to...

  • Kristy 2022-03-21 09:03:01

    Prisoners who escaped because of grief.

    A jar of drunken life and dreams, how it tastes, only those who have tasted it know. Perhaps what these escaped prisoners care about is to freeze all their sad pasts, find their own sign of redemption, and hide in a place no one knows about, and still spend a little bit between forgetting and...

  • Thaddeus 2022-03-21 09:03:01

    pending arrival

    The unresolved arrival of Ouyang Feng and the women of Bai Tuo Mountain - even if you ask me tomorrow, the answer will still be the same, I don't talk to... - There is a word, I will never say it again after this evening. Are you following me! - You will not be better off. Not with! ... The desire...

  • Bert 2022-03-20 09:02:37

    people without a place

    First of all, I like the floating feeling in Wong Kar Wai's films, it is a feeling without roots. Likes should be due to the inherent loneliness of human hearts. Humans are the loneliest animal in the world, and the only animal that understands loneliness.     My initial impression of this movie...

  • Kiera 2022-03-20 09:02:37

    "Evil in the East and Poison in the West" lines (full version)

    Ouyang Feng (monologue): Many years later, I have a nickname called Xidu. Anyone can become vicious. As long as you have tried what is called Jilu, I don't care what others think of me. I just don't want others to compare me. I am happier. Ouyang Feng (monologue): I thought there was a kind of...

  • Alysson 2022-03-20 09:02:37

    Soothing your wounds and mine - Interpretation of "Evil in the East and Poison in the West"

    In 1994, Wong Kar-wai filmed "Evil in the East and Poison in the West", which I personally think is Wong Kar-wai's peak work. Although the film only won some technical awards at the 14th Hong Kong Film Awards and the 51st Venice Film Festival that year, Jinma got some gains and was rated as the top...

  • Lesly 2022-01-16 08:02:36

    Envy can make anyone vicious

    1. Wang Jiawei likes Gulong. He said: "Jin Yong and Gulong are two great masters. I personally prefer Gulong because I think he is more pure and he sees people thoroughly, like a poet." So he used The character of Jin Yong came to shoot an ancient dragon story. A bottle of wine called...

  • Sidney 2022-01-16 08:02:36

    Humanity Expression in Martial Arts Movies

    To tell the truth about this movie, I didn’t quite understand it the first time I watched it, but I will understand and be moved when I watch it again. I personally understand that it expresses humanity in a true sense through a martial arts film, including infatuation, escape, rejection...the...

  • Lucie 2022-01-16 08:02:36

    Through the waves of the past and the present

    It was an afternoon in the autumn of 1994. I was bored and walked into the movie theater. Today's video news was written on the small blackboard at the ticket window: "Evil and West Poison". There were only more than 10 people in the 1,200-seat cinema that day. Most of them were couples. I was the...