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Ashes of Time Reviews

  • Cristina 2022-03-23 09:03:05

    burnt ashes

    In recent years, Wong Kar-wai's popularity in the Western world has not faded. Fortissimo has invested in the restoration of "Dong Xie Xi Po" and packaged it into the ultimate version for re-release on a global scale. In terms of the plot, Wong Kar-wai made some minor adjustments, such as using...

  • Madaline 2022-03-23 09:03:05

    "Evil in the East and Poison in the West" classic lines (transfer)

    You can't say what's good about "Dong Xie Xi Du", or you can't figure out what it has to say, I can only tell you that this is a story about time. I would like to thank Wong Kar-wai for launching "Dong Evil and West Poison: Definitive Edition" 14 years later, and thank him for leaving the final...

  • Laila 2022-03-23 09:03:05

    "Evil in the East and Poison in the West": Fifteen years of annihilation halo, Wang Jiawei Jianglang is exhausted

        Hong Kong tycoon Johnnie To said: "If Wong Kar-Wai only made one movie, it should be "Dong Evil and West Poison."     It was at the Venice Film Festival in 1994, "East Evil and West Poison" premiered, and eight superstars Stunning on the spot, accompanied by the soul-stirring on the screen, it...

  • Norbert 2022-03-22 09:02:40

    The relationship between the characters of East Evil and West Poison

    A likes B but B likes F, A is very disappointed and falls for D's wife, D's wife falls in love with A and dumps D, but A still likes B and dumps D's wife, D's wife is very miserable , D also ran away very painfully, F actually liked B, but missed it because of willfulness, B revenge F and married...

  • Wilfred 2022-03-22 09:02:40

    Wong Kar-wai and "Evil in the East and Poison in the West"

    Speaking of Wong Kar Wai, I can't help but think of Kim Jide. They are directors who always stick to their own line, stand out from the crowd, and never care what others say. Their films don't seem to be well received at the box office when they are released in theaters. The theater attendance rate...

  • Johnson 2022-03-22 09:02:40

    Ashes of Time

    Someone who was watching "Write Down" in the Tianya Wu Wen Nong Ink section asked me if I've always been this melancholy - I guess he meant I was a little too big. Melancholy, it's hard to say. Come as you say it, and leave as you say it. When you're on guard, it's never there, but when you let...

  • Jude 2022-03-22 09:02:40

    The most evil thing is to love and never forget

    The movie of 1994, how could I understand it at that time. In 1994, I was also a child who participated in Children's Day. It must take many years, many things, and many people to understand such a movie. But if you understand its depth, you also understand its cruelty. It seems to be laughing at...

  • Mckenzie 2022-03-22 09:02:40

    So I am Ouyang Feng in that desert

    On the twenty-fifth of the tenth month of the lunar calendar, Xiaoxue. The Five Elements Sea is full of gold, full of power. Chong Yang Sha East. In a glitzy place like France, I live silently in a small town near Paris. Time just passes. Rain kept falling. Stepping on the wet sycamore leaves,...

  • Rosendo 2022-03-21 09:03:01

    in the name of love

    I was very sleepy this morning, I wanted to sleep, but I suddenly remembered that I wanted to watch East Evil and West Poison two days ago, so I thought I might as well find it out and review it. In fact, the number of times I have watched this movie is quite small. In retrospect, the last time I...

  • Cleora 2022-03-21 09:03:01

    The loneliness of the desert.

    After watching Wong Kar-wai's "Evil in the East and Poison in the West", I watched "East Becomes West" many times in a row. Then I watched "Dong Xie Xi Po" over and over again overnight. When she had to close her eyes due to pain, what she saw was not Maggie Cheung's delicate but lonely face. But...