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Ashes of Time Reviews

  • Johnny 2022-03-27 09:01:18

    Everyone has a glass of wine. Would you like to hear his story?

    After watching it for ten minutes, I still feel that the composition and photography actors have nothing to say. The slow rhythm and fighting scenes remind me of "Hero" directed by Zhang Yimou. Personally, I think the style of the painting is very similar.

    The lines and dialogues are also very...

  • Ethyl 2022-03-27 09:01:18

    East evil and West poison moved me

    There is a kind of wine in the world, called drunken life and dream death" Ouyang Feng, this sentence moved me, when a proud man drank this wine, would he think of his sister-in-law, his former lover. A sentence "I thought I won, but in fact I lost It's the only and last time he has heard such a...

  • Greta 2022-03-25 09:01:19

    Inexhaustible East and West Poison

    The first time I watched East Evil and West Poison, I was still in my hometown in the north. At that time, I watched it as a martial arts film. After watching it, I was very upset. Except for the part where Jacky Cheung took revenge on Tony Leung, when I was a child, I felt like I was a knife in...

  • Sofia 2022-03-24 09:03:20

    The beauty of that missed scene - feeling after watching "Evil in the East and Poison in the West"

    Many years ago, I saw a movie "Evil in the East", but at that time I was too young, just greedily watching the big stars swaying in front of the camera, the beautiful scenery swaying behind them, I seem to understand something.     A few years later, I fell in love with Wong Kar Wai, I fell in love...

  • Blaise 2022-03-24 09:03:20

    Want to forget but remember better

    The function I said stopped, the function of writing a diary stopped, and even the small scores in the French Open were banned from broadcasting. They tried every means to make people forget the stories of the past, but the result was like a drunken dream. "The more you want to know if you have...

  • Wendell 2022-03-24 09:03:20

    Drunk life in the east, evil in the dream, death in the west, poison

    1994. 2009. Never thought of going to the cinema to rewatch a movie. I never thought it would be fifteen years later. I clearly remember that when I went to the cinema in 1994, my dad fell asleep watching it, and I watched it too. Later, I didn't even see it in full. The original has been read more...

  • Drew 2022-03-24 09:03:20

    "Evil and West Poison Definitive Edition", the beauty of fragments

    "There is a bird in the world that has no feet. It keeps flying when it is born. When it is tired, it sleeps in the wind. It can only land once in a lifetime, and that is when it dies.      " There are fewer people who express it beautifully and aesthetically, and very few people can fully...

  • Tyrel 2022-03-24 09:03:20

    still grey

       After many years, what if I have two movie tickets? The person I like is hard to find, and I can't tell her that I have an extra movie ticket, will you go to see it with me. Maybe try asking someone to accompany you, but wouldn't that be lonely? About 14 years ago, I could always get two tickets...

  • Royce 2022-03-23 09:03:05

    the end of time is to forget

    Beginning of Spring, Jingzhe, Bailu, Liqiu, Lichun, many years later, Jingzhe followed the footsteps of time and Ouyang Feng's narration. The English name was translated as the ashes of time, just like the darkness before dawn. It's the moment and we don't know whether it's the dross or the only...

  • Ena 2022-03-23 09:03:05

    Seeing the evil in the east and the poison in the west again, it is already a strong color

    In 1994, the poster of "Evil in the East and West Poison" featured Liang Chaowei's blind swordsman; in     2009, the poster of "Dong Evil in the West" featured Leslie Cheung's Ouyang Feng. He is still lonely, but he can make us feel warm.     The 1994 Stars version of the poster, each person's eyes...