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Ashes of Time Reviews

  • Roberta 2022-04-19 09:02:43

    A glimpse into the narrative of "Evil in the East and Poison in the West"

    Just watching Wong Kar-wai's "Dong Evil West Poison" as a hobbyist (that is, a layman), of course, I would choose to avoid the technical jargon of movie reviews; in fact, I would rather watch "Dong Evil West Poison" Make a narrative text - writing these four words, I found that, as a "film"...

  • Blaze 2022-04-19 09:02:43

    Several Key Words in "East"

    Inscription: Briefly talk about it first, and then I will improve it when I have the opportunity. When I really wanted to do it, I found out that it is such a troublesome thing to criticize this movie.     "Evil in the East and Poison in the West" mentioned in the subtitles at the beginning of the...

  • Onie 2022-03-28 09:01:11

    East evil and West poisonous lines

    I know how to protect myself since I was a child. I know that the best way to not be rejected by others is to reject others first.

    Although I liked her very much, I never told her. Because I know that what I can't get is always the best.

    Everyone goes through this stage, seeing a mountain and...

  • Bradford 2022-03-28 09:01:11

    East evil and West poison

    Ask what love is in the world, and directly teach life and death. Love to the extreme, it becomes a private matter, lonely and crazy, self-righteous insistence makes you miss, regret for life. The unforgettable entanglement, under the bright and almost distorted picture, is pathetic and poignant,...

  • Alphonso 2022-03-28 09:01:11

    I like the feel of this movie

    I like this movie, although the filming is not clear and unclean, everyone seems to be sloppy, every emotion is still in the air, there is no happiness, and there is no happy enmity.     Just like there are many classic lines in this film, like the current golden sentences, people feel that they...

  • Sarai 2022-03-28 09:01:11

    Ashes of time

    Lately, I've often been in a daze all of a sudden, especially when driving home past the Mirror Lake. If there is a sunset and twilight, I will always remember the beautiful scenery of the red leaves in Yosemite with my friends last year, but then I will change my mind, and it will be another...

  • Sophia 2022-03-28 09:01:11

    ashes of time

    The war between men and women has never stopped. When both of them have to win, both of them will lose. When one concedes defeat, everyone wins. The wonderful emotional game was shown through the hands of Wong Kar-wai. Put down the rivers and lakes and look at the rivers and lakes, are there less...

  • Thelma 2022-03-28 09:01:11

    In Wong Kar-wai's works, what level is the performance of "Evil in the East and Poison in the West"?

    I watched it several times from 2000 to 2005. On the black and white TV at home, I just thought it was strange, but I couldn't understand it. I was 11-16 years old and in my first love.

    I'm 29 years old now, I've been in love four or five times, single, male, and after watching this movie again, I...

  • Eloisa 2022-03-27 09:01:18

    Fortunately, unfortunately

    People say that happy women are all the same, but unfortunate women are unhappy in their own way. Murong Yan - the first woman to appear from the front. Her misfortune comes from a hopeless pursuit. When she appears, there will always be a birdcage. Birds originally represent flying and represent...

  • Gabe 2022-03-27 09:01:18

    Fortunately, unfortunately

    People say that happy women are all the same, but unfortunate women are unhappy in their own way. Murong Yan - the first woman to appear from the front. Her misfortune comes from a hopeless pursuit. When she appears, there will always be a birdcage. Birds originally represent flying and represent...