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Around the World in 80 Days Reviews

  • Jalyn 2022-12-20 03:07:17

    "Around the World in Eighty Days" A miracle of human industrial civilization

    The wisdom of mankind has made this blue planet full of dangers a smooth path

    A classic movie based on the great science fiction master, Verne's novel. In the more popular language, this is a super big IP. And its supporting lineup is also worthy of this landmark masterpiece.

    The story...

  • Lyla 2022-05-01 06:01:04

    [Film Review] Around the World in Eighty Days (1956) 6.6/10

    This is a legitimate Oscar BEST PICTURE winner no one bothers to talk about nowadays, a globe-trotting travelogue in its most ostentatious fashion, Michael Anderson's epic adaptation of Jules Verne's novel has little substance to offer other than playing up to the hackneyed stiff-upper -lipped...

  • Jimmie 2022-05-01 06:01:04

    Around the World in Eighty Days: The unforgettable servant Paspato

    This color film, filmed in 1956 by Michael Anderson, is adapted from the famous science fiction writer Jules Verne’s novel of the same name. It mainly tells how a confident English gentleman Phileas Fogg and his brave and witty servant Passepartout used 80 Days time to do the story of travel around...

  • Chase 2022-05-01 06:01:04

    Money and human touch

    Around the World in Eighty Days (1956)—The 29th Oscar's Best Film        This is the biggest and most shocking movie on the screen from the first Oscar to the present. The widescreen is very visually stunning. The European land, Spanish bullfighting, Indian customs, Japanese customs, American...

  • Delphine 2022-05-01 06:01:04

    Around the world in 80 days

    The story takes place in London in 1872. In a club, a gentleman named Fogg (David Niven played by David Niven) made a bet that no one thought he could win, which was to ring in 80 days. Travel the world. After that, Fogg hurried to the road with his entourage Baspatou (Mario Moreno). They first...

  • Travon 2022-05-01 06:01:04

    Every journey must have an end

    A trip that says go, a bet to complete the world tour in only 80 days, a wonderful and beautiful journey has begun. This trip traveled through many countries and saw the unique and beautiful scenery, the local customs, and the beautiful rivers, mountains and sky on the roads and mountains. This is...