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An Affair to Remember Reviews

  • Elody 2022-03-22 09:02:28

    A remake of a classic love story

    Known as a generational love classic, it is actually a remake of "Love Affair" (1939). After half a year, we will meet again on the top floor of the Empire State Building in New York, but unfortunately it backfires. Although it is one of the most famous works behind director Leo McCarley, the...

  • Kaelyn 2022-03-21 09:02:46

    True romance

    I watched Jin Yumeng again today, and I can't remember the first time I watched it, but I still couldn't help crying when I saw the ending. That's the real romance, that's what's called a romance. It seems that such films cannot be made now, and such misunderstandings will not happen at all now. If...

  • Pete 2022-03-21 09:02:46

    The hero and heroine live together from now on and never separate again

    Because once separated, they will meet new love again and leave old love, just like their so-called encounter on the boat at that time.

    In the future, I am afraid that you will not be able to find a true love by taking a boat, an immortal love by taking a plane, and a love that will last forever if...

  • Arnulfo 2022-03-21 09:02:46

    About the movie title

    Knowing that this film is in "Sleepless in Seatle", the heroine watched this film again and again, and she was full of emotion when she talked with her girlfriend, and burst into tears. At that time, I didn't understand their excitement for the film, and I didn't understand why it was named "Golden...

  • Bonita 2022-03-21 09:02:46

    Suddenly recalled childhood memories

    Today my Kindle was stuck, so I sorted out the books in it, and suddenly I saw "Beijing Meets Seattle", and then I flipped through it and saw Wen Jiajia's favorite heroine in "Sleepless in Seattle" Watching "Jin Yumeng", it is said that the male and female protagonists of the two films met at the...

  • Skyla 2022-03-21 09:02:46

    A love story at the Empire State Building in New York

    Another classic old movie is mentioned in "Sleepless in Seattle", a movie "Golden Jade Alliance" that only women can understand and are deeply moved by. What impressed me more was the quiet flirtation between the two on the boat. Nicky's seemingly indecent approach and seduction can't hide her...

  • Eunice 2022-03-21 09:02:46

    Old-fashioned plot, wonderful to understand

    Today I finally watched the famous "Golden Jade League". First read the English subtitles, and then switch to the Chinese subtitles if you don't understand them. I found that there are several translation mistakes in the Chinese subtitles. Hasn't it been checked? The Chinese subtitles are probably...

  • Ariel 2022-03-20 09:02:23


    Interestingly, I also think of "Golden Jade Alliance" from "Sleepless in Seattle".     "Sleepless in Seattle" was popular when I was in high school, but after watching it, I just felt faint. I didn't pay too much attention to the clip of "Golden Jade Alliance". I think it is an old sensational...

  • Edwardo 2022-03-20 09:02:23

    a promise

    I don't fancy the english name of this movie very much since I don't like the word 'affair'. why is it an affair? neither the man nor the woman was married when they fall in love with each other. The chinese translation is wonderful, telling you what's the story about: a promise.(omg, as soon as I...