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American Hustle Reviews

  • Delia 2022-03-20 09:01:08

    The Art of Survival

    The Art of Survival If you could choose, how would you choose to live? Living alone and coolly? Live happily and confusedly with a bunch of second-hands than friends? Or do you want to be a desperado or speculator and always figure out how to keep yourself alive? It is difficult to say which way is...

  • Paxton 2022-03-20 09:01:08

    The ending of the ice fishing story

    The movie tells the story of a man and a liar who met and fell in love and formed a gang to cheat around. Later, they were caught by a policeman and asked them to assist the police in catching four larger scammers and acquit them. During their cooperation with the police, the police kept hoping to...

  • Leonor 2022-03-19 09:01:02

    American scam and British Hustle

    Recently I went to see this film with my friends, and I watched it entirely for the faces of two male actors. Originally expecting that Mr. Bei would tear open his disguise props like Painted Skin to show his original handsome appearance, but he was completely disappointed. I advise girls who come...

  • Katlyn 2022-03-19 09:01:02

    My friends and I were shocked to see the cast

    When I went home and saw the cast on the Internet, I found that the big-bellied bald middle-aged man was actually the handsome and suave Batman Christian Bale. Fortunately, I am still a loyal audience of the new Batman series. The man is a bit familiar, he didn't recognize him as Christian Bale! !...T

  • Dave 2022-03-19 09:01:02

    Evan is not a qualified liar

    Evan is too conscientious about the people around him.

    The mistress was threatened by the FBI, and he was forced to deceive the parliamentarians in order to save the mistress. As a result, the mistress and the agent scowled, annoying him. The agent ignored his reminders and committed dangers again...

  • Lisa 2022-03-19 09:01:02

    Life is fickle, you have to adapt

    The art of survival is a story that never ends. David O. Russell"Who is the master?The painter? Or the forger?This is the way the world works.Not black and white like you say.It's extremely grey.'" "The chaos, loss, and morbidity of American reality in the 1970s are all in the story." "The world is...

  • Justina 2022-03-19 09:01:02

    (Chinese) Script Commentary-"American Hoax"

    Please see the original text: Translator’s Note: The film "American Hoax" will be released in the United States on December 25 this year. The film’s director was previously based on "Black Clouds "Behind the Line of Happiness" created David O. Russell of Jennifer...

  • Milo 2022-03-18 09:01:02

    Who lied to me and who did i lied to

    It's much worse than I thought. One problem is that the story has no standpoint. From what perspective should you look at the story, and which character should you empathize with, the audience won't even have any feelings at the end, everything ends in a daze, and even the process is muddled. I...

  • Demarco 2022-03-18 09:01:02

    Very happy, very main theme.

    3 stars, the plot can be said to be ingenious, the relationship between the characters can be said to be intricate and interlocking, there are no extra characters at all. And quite the main theme. A shameless liar but his conscience is not diminished, a mayor who wants to make money but is...

  • Roslyn 2022-03-17 09:01:02

    A piece of cake

    You know how much I enjoyed watching it. So much, I need to write this stuff in English to release my transiently accumulated enthusiasm. When I was younger, I resented this sort of movie that simply collecting stars to cast the roles. I found it just showing off and shallow. But with days passing...