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American Hustle Reviews

  • Ron 2022-04-24 07:01:02

    looks great

    To be honest, the reason why I chose to make a special trip to watch this movie is because the trailer of this movie reminded me of a new movie "Don't Mess with Me" that I watched not long ago. However, the process of watching the movie can be described as difficult. When I went to the theater that...

  • Alex 2022-04-24 07:01:02

    The American Past of "Fishing Law Enforcement"

    Thanks to the media, in recent years "fishing law enforcement" has become a familiar term to the Chinese people. However, "fishing law enforcement" in general illegal activities is just a petty fight. If the "fish" to be caught is not ordinary people but political dignitaries, it is not black cars,...

  • Jared 2022-04-24 07:01:02

    American shit

    Watching movies with my wife stems from the rare time of two people. Since I had a child, it has been very fulfilling. Of course, in a sense, it also compresses the space between the two. Since the last time I saw Twelve Angry Men wrote something and got it published, I have also felt the...

  • Linwood 2022-04-24 07:01:02


    Frankly, the movie itself does not live up to its hype. I never was fully engaged with any character even though it takes more than enough time and delivers a tedious and often painstaking pace. Honestly, it felt to me like the film dragged and that the ending would never arrive. Even though not...

  • Adrain 2022-04-24 07:01:02

    American is full of bullshit

    Only if you have been to the United States will you know how wonderful this film is. The American Dream is really the big lie of the century. The people here are really idiots to death. There are only two kinds of people in the United States, idiots and liars. There are also people who are not that...

  • Vincenzo 2022-04-24 07:01:02

    Life is a big scam

    I saw this movie a month and a half ago. I thought it would be a tragic story full of hustle and bustle in the 1930s of the American Beat Generation. The ending was empty, only disillusionment and burning ashes of hope after the prosperity. Of course I was wrong. FBI agents team up with two con...

  • Providenci 2022-04-24 07:01:02

    In the main line of the movie of self-deception and deception, I saw a few points

    Because I watched the movie in a fog, I only wrote some points that touched me very much. 1. Amy Adams has no makeup on her makeup, but do you really understand what I'm thinking? If through my face, it can solve my inner contradiction, I just want to try if it is possible. 2. Lawrence and Bale...

  • Josie 2022-04-23 07:01:06

    A serious lesson from the master to the rookie (including dubbing comments)

    Written on the front, people are always particularly impressed with the unlucky ones. As a bunch of Oscar accompaniment films that were nominated but basically failed, "American Hustle" had already been ridiculed by domestic public opinion before it was introduced and released. Laughing without...

  • Johnathan 2022-04-23 07:01:06

    Jennifer Lawrence is so beautiful

    Stars gather! The heroine is so beautiful! The story feels very complicated, and I don't understand it very well. It should be a policeman who wants to catch the bad guy, forcing the two male and female protagonists to help him catch the mayor. In order to develop New Jersey and build a casino, I...

  • Osbaldo 2022-04-23 07:01:06

    If our wisdom can always overcome the impermanence of fate

    The plot design of the film is relatively simple and cannot stand up to too much scrutiny. The protagonist's wisdom dominates all clues, and all problems are solved when the protagonist wants to solve them. In fact, it is difficult to evaluate what kind of mood the film conveys. Deception and...