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Always Reviews

  • Rey 2022-02-16 08:02:50

    Can only regret

    Watching "Forever" was on a Tuesday, and I was already going to sleep. A movie on TV was playing the prologue, and when my father saw that the director was Spielberg’s name, he called me to watch it. From ten o'clock to twelve o'clock, a person's quiet time can see the sadness of the whole world....

  • Haylie 2022-02-16 08:02:50

    Bad talk

    Budget: "Always" 31 million US dollars. "Human Ghost Love Is Not Over" is $22 million. Director: "Always" Steven Spielberg. "Human Ghost Love Is Not Over" is still not called the name. Release date: "Always" December 22, 1989, "Human and Ghost Love Is Not Over" July 13, 1990. Box office: "Always"...

  • Milo 2022-02-16 08:02:50

    Audrey Hepburn's last movie~

    July 26th at 23:20 CCTV-6 watched the movie Always/forever/ Audrey Hepburn has attracted me forever. This is also her last film to participate in, and the director is Steven Spielberg, I am looking forward to...       and one I was not disappointed after watching the movie at every turn~ The issues...

  • Nyasia 2022-02-16 08:02:50

    So you?

    I am a person who believes in fate. No matter what, I think it is fate. And this movie is also fate. It is also fate to be moved by this. That day, the sun was screaming and crowded into the lazy window in the afternoon. The turbulent flowers spread the cry of their hearts with the smell of...

  • Domenic 2022-02-16 08:02:50

    I think the first love movie in my mind

    Probably it was Peter's words that hit me critically, you will have a better life, the affection of this man made me explode instantly

    You'll have a wonderful life, Dorinda. You're not going to have any more bad dreams. You're going to go to bed happy. You're going to wake up laughing. You're going...

  • Hailee 2022-02-16 08:02:50

    Never be together forever

    I have loved Hepburn for a long time, and I haven't watched her last film. In Xiaozhi's personal favorite film, "Forever" was brought to the eye and decided to take a look.     Hepburn is only a small role in the film, but throughout the days after Peter's death, as an angel in white, let him leave...

  • Herta 2022-02-16 08:02:50

    Nothing can always be there

    If you die and your soul is watching the one you love silently, but you can never enter his or her life anymore, what do you do? Do you hope that your lover will never forget you and spend your whole life in commemorating your love; or do you hope that he will let go of the past and love others...

  • Katrine 2022-02-16 08:02:50

    The one that moved me the most

    Perhaps it was the movie I have ever seen that touched me the most and has been unforgettable for a long time. Nothing Hepburn, nothing Spielberg. In the grand background of the fire ravaged the forest, in the thrilling scene of the plane circling and shuttle, the love of the hero and heroine...