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All the King's Men Reviews

  • Declan 2022-03-25 09:01:18

    From an artistic point of view, it is a very good film

    A movie with a strong sense of art, very good. The rating is too low. However, as a historical film, it is a bit biased. Long was a dictator, and if Long was elected president, not Roosevelt, the entire history of the United States and the world would be rewritten. I don't know how World War II...

  • Winona 2022-03-24 09:03:07

    It would be much better to replace Sean Penn

    The 2006 version of "The King's Men" (also translated as "The King's Team") Oh, overall, the filming is good, and the photography and soundtrack are Oscar-level. The casting is also very good, Jude Law is the most suitable for this kind of idealistic young man who is born in the world, Kate Winslet...

  • Kiel 2022-03-24 09:03:07


    The story develops haphazardly. Why did anne have to deal with stark and what did she get? What conspiracy did the hospital do to make tony a scapegoat so that he could kill stark? Why did jack try so hard to help stark to threaten and frame his godfather, it turned out to be his father! If the...

  • Summer 2022-03-23 09:02:54

    The online reviews of this film are completely wrong

    Well, first give a strong recommendation. The movie reviews on the Internet are all wrong, and I have been searching for a long time and have not found the correct reviews. It seems that film critics are plagiarizing each other and spreading rumors! ! ! ! Such a good movie can't be blinded in vain....

  • Ulises 2022-03-23 09:02:54

    Memories of my freshman year with Little Target at Haida Cinema

    Freshman year, that era was simple and everything was beautiful. We had no laptops, no WIFI, and the only entertainment on weekends was to buy a bag of warm cakes and hide in the empty cinema on the East Campus to watch an English movie. When we ran into the auditorium where the screening had...

  • Verna 2022-03-23 09:02:54

    life is fast

    Whether in developed or developing countries, there are two types of people, the poor and the rich. Their previous contradictions have not changed since the beginning of human society. The poor want to become rich, and the rich want to become richer. This is how life is, with constant tossing....

  • Domenica 2022-03-23 09:02:54

    from the title

    There is no king in the movie, so what does the King in the title mean? There is a scene in the film where the governor sings a song in the studio called "Every Man a King". The song was written in 1935 by then Louisiana Governor Huey Long (the prototype of the film's leading actor) and Louisiana...

  • Lonnie 2022-03-23 09:02:54

    from the title

    There is no king in the movie, so what does the King in the title mean? There is a scene in the film where the governor sings a song in the studio called "Every Man a King". The song was written in 1935 by then Louisiana Governor Huey Long (the prototype of the film's leading actor) and Louisiana...

  • Jaime 2022-03-23 09:02:54

    King's team

    I haven't read the novel or the original movie, so I feel that although the narrative is obscure, the clues are clear and understandable. Stark in the film has always emphasized that he will not use corruption. His way of dealing with the powerful is "grabbing" "Little Braid", although for a moment...

  • Danielle 2022-03-23 09:02:54

    Please don't measure it with OSCAR

    When the blood of idealism clashes with the blood of realism, death ends everything.   In the end, Stark's death Adam's death and Judge Irwin's death are the tragedy of civilized society, the tragedy of American politics, and the tragedy of Jack played by Jude in the film.   When Jack was...