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After Hours Reviews

  • Hermina 2022-09-07 06:30:27


    More and more I like the absurd scenes, and "Midnight in the Night" is another example. Maybe people are really not controlled by themselves or their so-called fate. The chain reaction of accidental factors will destroy all good moods. For example, often in the water. When it boils, rush into the...

  • Asa 2022-09-02 06:08:19

    Embarrassed accidents and unlucky serial cases can make plainness seem precious

    This is the kind of movie that I didn’t intend to discuss with you at the beginning. The more comfortable I watched Paul’s embarrassed night, I found it impeccable from the perspective of the plot setting of the story, the rhythm was appropriate and the paving was obvious, and the dramatic turn...

  • Aurelio 2022-07-29 22:45:41


       After Hours is undoubtedly the movie that Martin Scorsese "controls" at least-it is obvious that he has not recovered from The Last Temptation's miscarriage at a low ebb. However, this is the smoothest of all Scorsese films I have ever watched. Although before shooting, the director was still...

  • Wyatt 2022-07-29 20:16:57

    Cobb sneaks into Paul's dream

    People are limited in life, and there are things they want to do but cannot do. In the dream, people will construct a relaxed world for themselves to do those things. But dreams are easily disturbed and awakened. Abnormal tolerance can easily arouse people's vigilance, and then there will be an...

  • Pink 2022-07-29 19:13:52

    The Night Adventures of Pseudo-literary Youth

    A long time ago, I was disgusted by the literary and artistic youths. In my opinion, Paul is a standard literary and artistic youth.

    The office in the high-rise building at work, the step-by-step work; the petty bourgeois café after get off work, the novel about self-salvation and sex, and the...

  • Alexzander 2022-07-29 18:52:51

    Listen to others

    "After get off work" is a small-cost horse-directed movie with a black comedy, tight thriller elements, and a good rhythm. It is rumored that the source of the script of this movie is very mixed, the first screenwriter ran away, and then changed to the end... But the overall degree of completion is...

  • Griffin 2022-07-29 15:49:44

    Midnight in the middle of the night: Enlightenment in the low tide

    The protagonist who is engaged in a nine-to-five stereotypical work, after get off work, because of boredom, he called a stranger and set off a chain of untimely incidents all night long...Finally, he was not dead or injured, he escaped from the lowest point of life, and returned to work as usual....