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A Perfect Ending Reviews

  • Eloy 2022-06-17 19:34:59

    blissful death

    The last picture, The Death of Ji Le, can probably sum up this movie. The passionate quest of a lady who knows that her time is short. Fortunately, she enjoys the ultimate happiness in the world before going to Elysium. In order to meet the expectations of society and family for women, a woman who...

  • Janiya 2022-06-17 14:59:43

    redemption from sex

    I watched the second half of the movie four or five times in three days, and I really liked it. The story of Paris and Rebecca's mutual redemption. Rebecca lives an orderly life but represses a silent desire for passion; Paris is a self-respecting, arrogant, tender-hearted person who is trapped...

  • Asa 2022-06-17 12:12:14

    Desire and Redemption (A perfect ending)

    Forgot where I saw the recommendation, but it doesn't matter, the video is real... I don't know how to describe it. Rebecca is probably what she said, tired of chastity and depressing days but has no courage to live a depraved life... Fortunately, she broke through her inner desires and thirst in...