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A Christmas Carol Reviews

  • Keegan 2022-10-05 06:08:44

    Christmas carol

    2010.3.25 I thought it was a very happy movie before I watched the movie, because it is a Christmas theme~ But after watching it, the first half is quite heavy, a bit of a horror movie. But maybe it's because you want to keep your emotions to a minimum in sublimation! In the end, the...

  • Morton 2022-09-26 06:22:04

    educational video

    It should belong to a more traditional theme and teach people the true meaning of christmas. The image of the miser seems to be the exclusive image of 18th-century English novels. The protagonist of the film is no exception. The author uses the supernatural power of the gods to educate the miser,...

  • Jeromy 2022-09-24 21:07:51

    Do you know the truth? Do you really believe it?

    The night before Christmas Eve, I watched Disney's "A Christmas Carol" with friends from the group, based on Dickens' novel of the same name. The film tells the story of how the rich and mean Scrooge is transformed and how people spend a merry Christmas. There is only money in his life. His...

  • Zoe 2022-09-21 08:39:51

    A Christmas Carol: If life could be repeated, how would you like to live it?

    As far as I know, it is only at this time of the long year that men and women seem to open their closed hearts in unison. - Dickens, A Christmas CarolFirst of all I wish all readers a Merry Christmas! When it comes to Christmas, I have to mention this classic work "A Christmas Carol", which is from...

  • Johann 2022-09-13 18:21:12

    English excerpt

    Christmas Carol carol as doornail doornail tuppence tuppence, two pence coin, insignificant things Delinquent the any morsel the any Scraps leftovers, Hogwash Fresh the EEL GET Lost boiling Humbug 1. deceit, hypocrisy 2. liar Dismal Bedlam 1. noisy scene, confusion A place for destitude, a...

  • Joana 2022-09-12 15:16:29

    One star for Jim Carrey, three for technology, just sauce

    I did a lot of mental preparation before watching this movie - it's me who likes one ear when watching "Black Cat Sheriff" and who likes Tom when watching "Tom and Jerry", what kind of mentality do you have to face Disney+Dickens Double D combination... Just Disney's "This is a small world, full of...

  • Lon 2022-09-12 08:49:31


    Joseph died Ebenezer went to sign and the lawyer asked him for a tip he gave him a penny. The lawyer didn't put his hand down and Ebenezer gave him another penny with a disgusted look on his face. Gone were the two pennies that covered the eyes of Joseph's dead body. Ebenezer saw the family choir...

  • Octavia 2022-09-11 20:48:31

    You, who weighs everything by gain. I release you.

    The following dialogue is such a profound exposure of the current Chinese society. The Ebenezer of the past lives by our side, maybe you, or me. Because, There is nothing on this earth more terrfying to me than a life doomed to poverty. So, we must weighs everthing by gain. May you be happy in the...

  • Reyes 2022-09-04 14:12:33

    Warm ghost story

    It is the first time in my impression that I saw a movie made with "performance capture" technology, but it fits well in Dickens' novels more than 200 years ago, and it also makes it possible for a person to play a few roles. It is said that the colin firth and gary oldman in the film are...

  • Jabari 2022-09-04 13:44:36

    Only God Can Do That.

    Tears rained down. I think whoever sees their own death is coming. There is no one around who can shed a tear for himself. I will pray that God will give me another chance to live a good life again. I deeply sympathize with Mr. Scrooge's miserliness and sadness before. Maybe he treated others so...