Your kindness must be sharp

Levi 2022-04-23 07:01:37

Rated 8.0 points.

Although the show is full of violent fights and killing scenes, it can also fill people's hearts with warmth.

The birth of chappie is a revolutionary creation in the history of artificial intelligence, because he is implanted with the thinking and consciousness that only human beings have (although the process here is too simple, but this direction is understandable).

As the first generation of conscious robots, just like a human newborn, it is a blank sheet of paper at the beginning of its birth and needs to be learned; it is also fragile and helpless and needs to be taken care of. But he also has the uniqueness of a robot, has super learning ability and imitation ability, and grows and evolves much faster than human babies.

His biological father (the creator), his adoptive parents (the underworld lover who robbed him) were all teaching him. The education method of the biological father is a common and universal education method for human beings: you have to be kind, you have to trust, you have to believe that the world is beautiful, and you have to live and learn enthusiastically and actively. You can't do bad things, robbing, killing, fighting is not good, you can't attack others at any time. . .

His adoptive parents didn't teach this. The purpose of robbing him was to use it as a robbery tool, and they took him directly to the field for practice. For the first time, he was thrown into a group of gangsters. When they found that chappie was just a pile of scrap iron that was powerless to fight, they beat him mercilessly and watched him escape. The lonely appearance of people is very much like our bear children who were bullied when they first asked about the world, because we never told them what the world really looks like. We told our children that the world is kind, friendly, gentle, Polite look.

And even if the robot is implanted with conscious thinking, compared to the complexity and sinister nature of human nature, their world view is still black and white. Although he insists on the principle of never participating in robbery, if he tells him another way, it is that person who robbed him. If he owns his father's car, he will not hesitate to rush over to snatch someone else's car (helping his father robbery), he is so pure and kind, and this kindness will not deteriorate. It is the persistence of the robot.

When his adoptive parents raised him as a street gangster, robbing and fighting everywhere, you would feel that this child was brought up and raised. But when you see the so-called "good guys" who specialize in making police robots go on a killing spree, you'll think that only the gangster who fights back with a gun can keep him alive at that time. And if you don't fight back, just verbally reason with him, you are wrong, what should you do, maybe you won't survive for a second in reality or in film and television dramas, right?

There were times when chappie was loved. When her mother saw how distressed he was when he was injured, she replaced him with a mutilated arm, wiped his face, slept with him, and told him bedtime stories, and felt that chappie had received real maternal love. , he also truly felt the warmth and power of this maternal love.

Later, in order to save Chappie and his biological father, the father of the underworld gangster wanted to drag the robot monster and was ready to go all out, but the mother desperately gave her life to save her father. You will suddenly find that the so-called standard of good or bad is not a person's social status, nor is a person's behavior that conforms to social norms, but his heart, at a critical moment, there is still a trace of Because of the instinctive kindness and the morality and bottom line of being a human being. Although they fought and killed in order to survive, at the juncture of life and death, they did not flee, retreat, or abandon each other, but sacrificed their lives to protect each other.

Chappie learned well, he knew who was kind to him, he knew gratitude, and at the same time, he was also extremely smart, and successfully resurrected himself and his father's awareness of the new robot at a critical moment.

For a fledgling child who is full of trust and enthusiasm for the world, the fastest way to adapt is to accept the beating from this world, right?

You can be kind, but you must also be kind. In addition to consciousness, human conscience is the biggest source of human sublimation. Conscience is an instinctive self-protection, but your kindness must be sharp, because you have no ability To screen everyone, you must get along with the world while protecting yourself, otherwise you may be torn to shreds by the real world in minutes.

The real bad guys don't necessarily have hippie hairstyles, ripped clothes, machine guns, foul language, tattoos, they may be destructive, fight and kill every day, destroy the existing social order, ignore the universal social norms, their bad is written on their faces, simple and straightforward, and their ideas and expressions are consistent.

But they still have scruples. They will not give up all bottom lines for their own selfish desires and goals. They will fight for their brothers, they will die for their lovers, and they may be desperate to save a cold robot. , their hearts are soft and kind.

The real bad is under the strong control of desire at all costs, regardless of the consequences, there is no bottom line, there is no lower limit for the bad, he is only bad for the bad. They appear to be messengers of justice and incarnations of morality on the outside, but in fact, they may trample on the lives and interests of others at will for their own selfish desires.

The robots in the play are still too perfect and idealized. When robots have human consciousness and thinking ability, they are no longer cold machines that execute orders, but know how to learn, communicate, communicate, have personal preferences, and have The emotions of joy, anger, sorrow and joy can really become human soul companions, and their temperature has far exceeded the cold and evil inner world of some human beings.

I still agree with the director. The human soul or consciousness can be downloaded and preserved. The flesh is limited, but the soul is immortal. The flesh is nothing but a carrier that carries the soul. When human beings have the ability to download and preserve consciousness or soul When, like the plot in "Uploading Freshmen", it's entirely possible that it will become a reality.

There are many themes of artificial intelligence for this kind of robot, no matter how realistic and perfect it is, no matter how realistic and perfect it is, it will eventually collide with human nature. This is the ultimate problem. The complexity and extremes of human nature cannot be replicated. It is unique to each person, but the cloned human beings or robots that are copied are all pure, kind, and uncontaminated in the film and television works. Their coldness is reflected in their stronger ability to withstand the fraudulent use of human beings, even if Even if you are injured, you don't feel hurt. This is something that humans should learn from.

Will humans eventually merge with artificial intelligence? "Xu Fu" is also a theme of this type, and it was shot well!

There is no discussion of a symbiotic coexistence model that humans both desire and fear.

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Extended Reading

Chappie quotes

  • Chappie: I just want to live.

  • Chappie: I can save us.