Humans and robots, men and women, humans and aliens.

Emery 2022-04-21 09:01:40

Why do we have to emphasize the opposition between man and machine, just like watching Mad Max 4, many people focus on "feminism" instead, why should we label everything, humans, self-aware robots, men, women, All are the same, treated and treated equally. This world itself is a big world, and it has everything. Instead of fearing the rise of robots, it is better to pay attention to you, me, and others around you, and to pay attention to how to coexist peacefully with other non-human "self-aware" people. Aliens are to humans and robots. What's the difference? Just because you create it doesn’t mean you can dominate it, you are more advanced than it. Parents create children, wouldn’t the children also rebel and resist. The three laws of robots don’t have anything to do with it, this is just a setting, why must it be used.
Movies are about telling a story, and I think the story is well told and worth going to the cinema and worth the money for movie tickets.

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Chappie quotes

  • Chappie: I just want to live.

  • Chappie: I can save us.