See it all, still love the world, love Chappie

Jordy 2022-04-21 09:01:40

The main character of this movie is Chappie who
is actually more like us.
In the beginning, we were innocent and unguarded.
Encountered deception, injury, helplessness, confusion, and
crying and asking the world: why did this to me.
most of the time I watched Chappie I was crying
why should I do this to me
I haven't done anything and deserved to be treated this way.
no why.
All of us
come into this world like this
, we must experience and bear
all the pain, helplessness, doubt, confusion,
see the world clearly, and then grow in pain.
All this can only be experienced by yourself.
Chappie experiences deceit and suspicion, and even wants revenge.
The desire to survive at the end of the story
drives him to keep running, even when it's raining.
The dedication to love inspires all his abilities, saves the people he loves, and also achieves himself.

We also learn from Chappie,
see it all
love it as much as we can.

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Extended Reading

Chappie quotes

  • Chappie: I just want to live.

  • Chappie: I can save us.