People make robots, then robots make people, unexpected alternative AI movies

Johnathan 2022-04-21 09:01:40

Recently, the word has become popular, and it is very suitable to put it here.
Although I don't know if the word will be forgotten after many years.
But let's talk about the accidental method at the end, and let's talk about other characteristics first.

I think one of the labels of this film is down-to-earth.
It's too down-to-earth, criminals, mechanical police, code farm engineers, office struggles. . .
Compared with Fulian, which was released in the same period, the lofty goal of saving mankind, the handsome Iron Man, and the cool equipment in it, this "Chappie" is really down-to-earth.
Even Wolverine, who used to be cool and handsome, has become so badass.
I think when the director started filming, he repeatedly emphasized the anti-cool and anti-tall to the actors, so that Wolverine could accept such a cowardly role.

The second label of this film is that it is not sensational, not cute, not suspenseful, not high, simple, tense and realistic narrative.
All people are ordinary people, no special people, no heroes.
No one has given a heavy characterization, including Chappie, is an ordinary child.
Compared with Dabai and Shuren some time ago, Chappie is really not cute.
Many episodes can be tear-jerking or thought-provoking. But the director continues to advance the story moment by moment, not giving you something to cry or time to think.

The third and biggest feature of the label of this film is its wide-open brains.
Such a film has no cool visual effects, no memorable music, no big-name actors and heroic characters, and only the story is left. Yes, at this time, the producers are fully focused on the story itself, making the story new, strange and special.
Maker is not from Iron Man, just an engineer of a commercial robot company. This setting gives him the opportunity to develop a robot with real artificial intelligence, but it has no other purpose, neither to save the world nor to destroy the world.
When Chappie asked Maker why he made it and didn't keep it alive, Maker was at a loss. He didn't think about this problem. At the beginning, he just couldn't hold back the urge to research and make breakthroughs. At home, there were only robots helping him and no wife and children who took up his energy. Red Bull accompanied him to spend all his energy on this never before After thinking about what to do after success, I just started a research project that I wanted to make.
The three gangsters want to kidnap the maker in order to shut down the mechanical police. Unexpectedly, it led to the research of maker, and then took Chappie as his own, trying to let Chappie help him steal money.
From birth to learning and growth, the process of mechanical AI is very interesting, and the concept is also very novel, which strongly arouses the curiosity of the audience. Especially when poor Chappie was born to be trained with both good and bad guys, the conflict setting is fascinating.
In the middle, Wolverine was not curious after he caught Chappie. He just wanted to get the protection key to destroy the mechanical police, but he was not curious and studied AI. This engineer is really crazy.
Chappie just started to grow up, and it was fun for a while, but immediately introduced a trouble, that is, Chappie is about to die, and a robot is actually facing death. This setting is also very unexpected, and the previous plot layout is very natural.
Under the desire to survive, Chappie was tricked into committing a crime, and finally gave the villain a chance to play.
The fight with the villain is not brain-burning, and the scenes are also well done.
Then the accident came, the maker will die.
The accumulation of technology left by the villain helped Chappie replicate Maker's consciousness, turning him into an immortal robot. This. . .
When the yellow and black robots were together, I instantly felt confused. Who made whom?
The Indian engineer is just an ordinary person. He has never thought about or has the ability to live forever, and he has never thought about turning himself into a robot, but he made Chappie, which can evolve rapidly, and Chappie broke through the existing human technology within a few days. But he did this and turned Maker into an immortal robot.
If the maker wants to live forever, he probably can't think of a way to save the country with this curve.
After Chappie resurrected Maker, before thinking about it, Maker resurrected the dying Chappie again. So I messed up again.
To sum up: the maker made the immortal Chappie, the immortal Chappie turned the dying maker into an immortal robot, and the maker who turned into a robot turned the immortal Chappie into an immortal Chappie. Every part surprised me.
But if you want to rant, you two can fight each other. Anyway, I see it, and after a few rounds of tossing, no one will die.
The ending was also unexpected. Chappie actually built a robot manufacturing factory and used Mami's residual consciousness to create a female robot. What's going on behind this?
But this is the end, and there is unlikely to be a sequel. The director said that your chin should continue to hang, and I finished filming and left. I didn't get back to my senses for a long time.

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Chappie quotes

  • Chappie: I just want to live.

  • Chappie: I can save us.