Director, your hypocrisy is almost enough

Rebeca 2022-04-20 09:01:31

Although the director wants to express something to us through the film, I have always felt that if the worldview of the story is not designed well, it is like the foundation is not well laid, and the conflicts and thinking above are all hypocritical of the director.

This movie gave me that feeling.

If you are the third brother in the film, and you come up with a special artificial intelligence, you are going to try it with great excitement. How do you try? I think normal people would find a supercomputer and put this on and try to communicate with the AI. What is most important at this time? The performance of the computer is the most important, whether it has hands or feet is a matter to be discussed later.

But our third brother didn't think so. He had to break all the company's safety regulations and stole a battle robot with arms, legs and full body titanium alloy armor that was going to be scrapped to test AI? ? ! ! You are not afraid that your AI has bugs, and then jump up and slap you to death.

Well, let's take a step back and say that this robot uses a special bionic CPU, and the AI ​​developed by the third brother can only be used on this robot. But this kind of CPU is also made by the third brother, okay? And it's not so expensive. When the robot was scrapped, I wanted to disassemble the CPU and then I found it more troublesome and gave up, right? And the whole process is the final decision of the third brother. Who would believe that none of the third brothers can touch the development environment by himself? And I clearly saw a test robot hanging in the workshop.

What's more, the third brother's authority is quite high: his key card can open the company's heavy weapons warehouse alone, and he can take these heavy weapons. He can directly contact GUARDKEY alone without asking anyone. GUARDKEY can be used freely without registration of usage. He could even take such an important thing home and just talk to the security chief and forget about it. In contrast, Wolverine has concealed such a big move. If the third brother wants to lend his robot the opportunity to develop new functions, it is easier to do some private work than to have breakfast, right?

Finally, it should be emphasized that the CPU performance of this combat robot is actually not good. Otherwise, it won't use the array composed of PS4 to work, and you can think about it with your "brain".

In fact, in the final analysis, the biggest flaw of this film is that this is an artificial AI. It is not made by lightning (such as Thunderbolt 5), not made by myself (such as Machine Age), not from human consciousness or self-reorganization (such as Transcendental Hacker), nor is it made by other AI. out (such as the Terminator). It was just created by a third brother who stayed up for several days and nights alone, and the original data are all in the computer of the third brother's house. And even the hardware was developed by the third brother.

Under such a setting, the third brother said to the poor AI: No, I can't save you. Isn't it hypocritical?

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Extended Reading

Chappie quotes

  • Chappie: I just want to live.

  • Chappie: I can save us.