Chappie and Machina

Chance 2022-04-20 09:01:31

These two films are about artificial intelligence, but the quality is very different.
Ex Machina's story is sexier. An Internet search engine company held an internal selection, and the male protagonist obtained the only qualification to spend a week of good time with the boss in a simple but not simple flat.
The boss also showed him his research results that were at the forefront of the times - an artificial intelligence maid, who was so graceful and beautiful that the male protagonist was dumbfounded when he saw her for the first time.
In this week, the boss will do a Turing test between the male protagonist and the maid, but during this process, the maid and the male protagonist have ambiguous feelings, and even the male protagonist has the urge to take her away from the boss. Take control.
But - how can a robot fall in love with a human? Who is the subject of the Turing test? Although the boss is not a good person, is the weak-faced maid the one who needs help?
Although this film has a very simple scene and only four actors, the plot is twists and turns, exciting, and discusses a lot of issues. Unfortunately, it only has English subtitles, and Chinese subtitles are all translated by machine. Although it is much better than Jia Xiuyan and Liu Dayong, when When the male protagonist and the boss discuss the advanced content, I still can't appreciate it. Students who are not good in English can wait for better subtitles in two days before watching.

Another, "Super Chappie," is still in theaters. Compared with "Ex Machina", the content of this film is very poor, that is, Hugh Jackman can't stand the story of Indian colleagues who get along smoothly and stumble, and end up shooting themselves in the foot. It has little to do with artificial intelligence, even if There's nothing wrong with changing to a gorilla.
The film also does not have any intention of digging deeply, spending a lot of time on chasing, escaping, and amusing children to play these boring process scenes, and the action scenes lack novelty, so it is boring.
I'm glad I made the decision not to go to the theater to see this film after seeing the trailer. I believe that in the theater, even if you go to the toilet and go to the bathroom to watch the three larges, it will not affect your understanding of the plot, and you will feel restless during the watching process, because the film is full of low-level sensationalism, and you can't fast-forward .

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Chappie quotes

  • Chappie: I just want to live.

  • Chappie: I can save us.