What kind of experience is it to watch two robots hug each other for lyricism?

Miles 2022-04-20 09:01:31

The viral marketing of District 9 in 2009 was amazing. This is Blomkamp's inherent style. He was born in a short film and is more interested in how to grasp the psychology of others. It is undeniable that "Super Chappie" and "Elysium" are the same, creating a strong sense of substitution through pseudo-recorded interviews at the beginning. Blomkamp's "near-real science fiction" is not unrelated to his South African origin, so the background of the ninth district and Chappie is placed in the birthplace - Johannesburg. Therefore, the contradictions in the story are not limited to the usual binary opposition in Hollywood, government and people, dictatorship and freedom, intrigue and selflessness, the leader of "District 9" who eats alien meat, the mercenary of "Elysium", Ben. The underworld leader or Uncle Hugh in the film both undertake the struggle against the main line as a third party outside the main contradiction, which naturally reflects the core of the film: science fiction reflecting on human nature.

The so-called "science fiction human nature" is a topic that has been chewed up. I won't go into details here. The more complex social relations were thoroughly reflected in the very early "Metropolis", and they are all necessary products of the promotion of industrialized civilization. Peter Jackson can see Blomkamp, ​​which is roughly the same as the various short films he previously directed, such as "Aliens in Johannesburg", "Val River Tetra", "Mechanical Fly Temporary Worker", short and concise, full of complete The irreconcilable contradictions, the reflection of the chaotic order at the end of the day, and according to the director's own words, are the psychedelic qualities that mix the classic West and African country customs. These structures directly contributed to the very intoxicating and charming parts of Blomkamp's works. A quiet city may not be orderly, and a chaotic country has no love? So even in 2009, "District 9", which seemed to be inexplicable at first glance, and "Elysium", which was a wild ride in the air, became the protagonist of aliens who released roses, and the protagonist who was dying to fight for his faith... In the end The end of the city sang the bright side of the eternal human nature. In this film, the theme of the bright side is handed over to the "maker" scientist - teaching Chappie to be kind, and the underworld "ninja" - the victory of human nature over selfishness.

The very old-fashioned points are somewhat tasteless, so my friends who watched it with me just wanted to give it five or six points. Except for the Hans Zimmer soundtrack, which is still dynamic every time the machine is turned on, it's really ironic to see that Chapai is cute (as if the girl's feedback is good?). The biggest highlight of this piece is the discussion of the relationship between artificial intelligence and human beings, as well as the demonstration of consciousness. God created man in one day, and human beings can be fully artificial in five days. Of course, this is not accurate. After writing the algorithm, Chappie did indeed give birth to various emotions such as "joy", "anger", "sorrow", "pleasure" and so on from a blank sheet of paper on the first day to five days later. , able to identify the good and evil in the three views of human beings, and able to make their own choices under the control of self-consciousness, which is completely the same as a real person. And in the end, after violating the "no crime" creed (which can be considered as an order entered by a scientist for his voice), he participated in the robbery only to obtain a body that can continue his "life" for himself, completely showing a way of survival as a human being.

"Transcendental Hackers", "Artificial Intelligence", and "I, Robot" all put forward reflections on similar propositions. Among them, "Transcendental Hackers" raises more questions about philosophy and morality. For example, after the human consciousness is uploaded to the computer, is the TA still a person, or is it already a machine? Consciousness is illusory and evolved. It is the contradiction between the subjective and the objective world. Is it really quantifiable? Human intelligence is limited, while the algorithms of machines (electronics) are infinite. If the machine gives birth to artificial intelligence, then its evolution speed will exceed the scope of human understanding, thus becoming a new species, an artificial object. "Skynet" in "Terminator" is a typical representative, and this image appears more in science fiction. At this time, what are Asimov's three laws and so on, there is no reconciliation, one is that the machine will change and skip by itself, and the other is that Ultron finds the contradiction of human existence through calculation in "Avengers 2", and chooses destroy humanity. The ending of "Transcendental Hackers" is perfect, artificial intelligence disappears, because mortals who can appreciate flowers and drink water do not need technology to replace life.

Chappie, like District 9, has an open ending. There are not many fight scenes in this film. Chappie's growth history is very interesting, and then there is the last "ostrich" battle and Chappie's violent beating of Hugh Jackman. It is worth noting that Chappie was full of considerable anger in the process of chasing Uncle Hugh, but pointed at him after the mad flat and said: You are a bad person! But I forgive you! - Very memorable. The scientist was shot in the lower abdomen, and it may not be very good to delay for some time, but no matter how he would not die, Chappie did not send him to the hospital, but sent him to the machine. Why does it feel more pitiful. If the scientist was in a coma and was sent to upload his consciousness by Chappie, and woke up to find that he was not lying on a white hospital bed with the morning sun and the fragrance of flowers wafting in from the window, but was wrapped in a dirty machine, I am afraid that Really insane. When the scientist robot was turned on, the soundtrack also showed a sense of horror. There should be lightning flashes across the sky in Chinese TV dramas. Because this innovation is completely the real "Machine Age". Finally, the awakening of the "Mummy" female image robot also pays tribute to the most classic and most widely circulated human-faced robot.

Therefore, based on the discussion of the above points, this film can still be evaluated with a score of about 7.5. It's not very good. Those who want to see a complete blockbuster will be disappointed, but there are also bright spots. After the rebirth of the scientist, the two machines hugged each other and sighed at the moment of parting from life and death. The lyricism was the same, but I was completely stunned. What kind of experience is it to watch the two robot protagonists lyrically? This film tells you.

There are some pitfalls worth noting. Why don't technology production companies have cameras inside but outside? As a result, scientists can directly take the key, and Uncle Hugh secretly sabotages without being known. Another point is that Uncle Hugh manipulated the "ostrich" to directly kill Chappie and a gang of gangsters, which is clearly wanton. In any case, after the robot is equipped with a weapon, even if it is controlled by a human, it is a heavy weapon. The company's top management can approve the action, and the law enforcement departments have gone to the northwest wind? These two are the most unbearable.

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Chappie quotes

  • Chappie: I just want to live.

  • Chappie: I can save us.