My thoughts: Written before the Super Chappie movie

Marge 2022-04-20 09:01:31

In the animal kingdom, pigs have a very high IQ ranking. It is said that the IQ of an adult pig can reach the level of a five-year-old child. This means that it understands pleasure and pain and has a wealth of emotions. If pigs can talk, how can a butcher face someone who can call you "uncle" and cut the artery of a creature as innocent as a five-year-old?

Humans and Machines
I've always liked Ghost in the Shell because the world built by Ghost in the Shell is full of metaphors to dig into. When a person can be fully mechanized, the mechanized body and even the brain is electronic. So can people still be called people? ghost, is used in the world of Attack in the Shell to measure the difference between man and machine. It seems very reasonable that people have ghosts and machines do not, but when the brains are all electronic, which means that your memories are all digital and can be modified, how can you prove that you have a soul? It is possible that all your memories are false and non-existent, and people rely on the existence of memory to exist, because of memory, I call it me, without memory, how can I exist? So the existence of ghosts is questioned, so how can people differentiate from machines in the world of shelling?

Because of the existence of "Beat in the Shell", "The Matrix" came into being. Humans are controlled by artificial intelligence machines. At this time, humans exist below machines. In the "Matrix" cartoon, how artificial intelligence defeated humans. The earliest artificial intelligence existed based on Asimov's "Three Laws of Robotics", which is very similar to the background of the story of "Enemies Machinery". But things changed when AI broke through the "Three Laws." They consider themselves human and want to have the same rights and freedoms as human beings. So they built a nation with a powerful economy built on traits that surpassed human physical capabilities. Initially they chose to join humanity in search of integration. But humans refused, and the war between artificial intelligence and humans destroyed the world. This is the background of "The Matrix".

morality and soul
"Artificial Intelligence" thinks at the micro level. If an artificial intelligence, it understands love and being loved, understands joys, sorrows, sorrows, pains, fears, and fear of death. So can it be said that artificial intelligence with independent perception already has a soul? Let's go back to the parable of the introduction, if we can't accept dogs being slaughtered, then can we accept machines becoming humans? This is unethical, a machine is a machine! How can it be compared with people? If machines become human, they don't need to sleep, they don't age, and they have computing power that surpasses that of humans, then it will surpass his creator (another moral issue: there is only one creator called God). Humans can accept being attached to dogs, but how can they accept cold machines that surpass humans?

Back to Chapai
Chapai is a machine that exists like an ordinary human being. It is like a newborn baby, perceiving and understanding the world, learning to love and be loved, joy and pain. But this must be forbidden by human beings, so do you think it should be destroyed or left?

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Chappie quotes

  • Chappie: I just want to live.

  • Chappie: I can save us.