Some doubts and speculations about the movie "Super Chappie"

Amiya 2022-04-19 09:01:38

On May 8, 2015, "Super Power Chappie", which was released before "Avengers 2", achieved good box office results, but the film critics were controversial. I don't want to comment too much on the film today, after all, there are a thousand Hamlets in a thousand readers.

In fact, I have always wanted to discuss the ending with you all (the following content contains spoilers)

1. Chappie helped the "creator" Dean change his body, why was Dean not too surprised

when he changed to a robot body? Anticipating this? But the idea was Chappie's.
Despite the urgency of time, a big living person turned into a robot. Dean was still clutching his stomach pain just now. After turning into a robot, he was just a little surprised, a little surprised, and did not miss the body he was familiar with. Isn't it strange?

Maybe Dean, an engineer with a high IQ, has already looked down on the matter of expelling the shell. The most important thing is thinking, otherwise how could it be stubborn to create an artificial intelligence like "Chappie"?

2. Director Blomkamp once revealed the true ending of the film in an interview: Humans are immortalized because of Chappie, and the earth will become a robot planet. So, after turning into robots, what do we do with foodies? ∑(っ°Д °;)っ

Robots can’t eat, right? The transmission of thoughts into robots means that the feelings that once existed, but the food can’t be enjoyed. , can't even smell it? I

believe that if we follow this idea, scientists will develop a program that can smell the smell, but what about tasting?
Every day you want to eat, you can smell it? Then the world's food, vegetables and fruits Isn't it all wasted? Our country is a big agricultural country, so it will be more necessary to transform at that time?

(Suddenly found that it is really serious thinking about unwarranted things, but it is useless)

(ง •̀_• )ง But never mind! !

Although human beings can no longer taste fruits after they become robots, they can generate electricity! It is a pity not to eat the fruits all over the mountains and plains, so they have to use them to generate electricity. The battery of the robot in the movie cannot be removed and only has 5 days of charge. I believe that in the future, for convenience, it will become a replaceable rechargeable battery. In this way, the fruit can also help the robot to charge.

Also, isn't it that humans can't eat fruit when they become robots?

Smell this technology should be able to do it?

This is the imaginary of this film, and you are welcome to complain if you have different opinions!

View more about Chappie reviews

Extended Reading

Chappie quotes

  • Chappie: I just want to live.

  • Chappie: I can save us.