It's an angel or a devil, we can't stop it, we can't choose, we can only wait and see

Jose 2022-04-19 09:01:38

To a certain extent, Chappile continues the pseudo-documentary style of Neill Blomkamp's "District 9". At the beginning of the film, a group of interviews and TV reports are set up, which leads to the social status quo at that time: crime breeds, the police and robot companies cooperate to launch robot police, a big be successful. Dion, the designer of the robot police, is also concentrating on artificial intelligence. Vincent of the same company as Dion designed the reindeer robot, but because of its ferociousness and the success of the robot police, he was useless.
Dion's boss doesn't approve of his experiments with artificial intelligence, so he stole a scrapped robot policeman and took it home. At the thief's camp, Dion successfully assembled a Chappile with artificial intelligence. The newly born Chappile is mentally like a baby, timid and cute. He learns what humans teach him. The clever Chappile has strong learning ability and fighting ability, and the thief endured to use him to rob, but promised Dion not to do illegal things. The ninja threw it on the street to tease Chappile, only to be targeted by Vincent. Vincent stole the forbidden key from him and used it to shut down all the police robots. Society soon descended into chaos.
On the other hand, Chappile learns that his battery is about to run out, and endures the trick to get a new body as long as he grabs the money. Chappile helped endure the robbery of the cash truck, which was filmed by TV and broadcast live. Dion's boss was furious at Vincent's provocation and ordered Vincent to activate the reindeer and hunt Chappile. At the same time, another bandit also wanted to capture Chappile to serve himself. Several forces fought fiercely in the fur thief camp. After a fight, the reindeer was finally killed by Chappile, but Dion was also seriously injured. Chappile brought Dion to the robot company, he taught Vincent a hard lesson, and then used the consciousness reading device to transfer Dion and his own consciousness to the new robot police, and successfully escaped.

In the past two years, the most successful artificial intelligence is undoubtedly Dabai in "Super Marines", who has attracted a lot of people. In terms of character setting, Chappile is not as attractive as Dabai, but it is much richer, and it also reflects Blomkamp's more thinking about artificial intelligence. Chappile was very timid at the beginning, and he obeyed human beings. He seemed to be a harmless little cutie. But when it realizes that it has been deceived, when it realizes that it will soon run out of power and die, its brutality is also terrifying. Once a robot has consciousness and emotion, it will have the desire to survive. Under the instigation of desire, who can guarantee that it will not become evil. (Ultron in "Reunion")
The ending of the film is warmer. Chappile uses Mummy's consciousness to bring Mummy back to life. If it is further extended, this problem arises: since human consciousness can be transferred to the machine, and the machine is immortal, then a new species will emerge: intelligent people. Intelligent people are far stronger than normal humans in terms of intelligence and survivability. How will they get along with humans? (Actually a bit similar to the mutants in DC) Will it eventually completely replace normal people? (Similar to the concept in "The Terminator")
In 1942, Asimov put forward the famous three laws of robotics in his novel "I, Robot":
1. A robot shall not harm a human being, or allow a human being to be harmed
. 2. Unless Violating the first law, the robot must obey the orders of humans
3. The robot must strive to protect itself without violating the first and second laws
Although these three laws are widely cited, for example, the robot in Spielberg's film "AI" strictly abides by this law, but more works show that these laws are difficult to obey. The production purpose of the robot police in Chappile is to violate the first law (criminals are also human). In the real world, the discussion of artificial intelligence has been rampant in recent years. From Bill Gates to Zuckerberg, they have invested a lot of money to study the safe application of artificial intelligence, but they have not yet proposed a relatively complete set of preliminary plans. . On the other hand, the vast number of consumers are eagerly waiting for artificial intelligence, and their expectations are particularly urgent. As mentioned in an issue of "Luo Ji Thinking", "Artificial intelligence is like a high-speed train. We wait anxiously on the platform, constantly complaining about why it has not come. But when it does come When the time comes, we may only see its shadow passing by, and before we can see its true face, we have been left behind forever."
And more and more people have begun to realize that artificial intelligence arrival is not too far away. Maybe in twenty or thirty years, it will appear in human society in a posture that we can't imagine now. Whether it is an angel or a devil, we cannot stop it, nor can we choose, we can only wait and see.

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Chappie quotes

  • Chappie: I just want to live.

  • Chappie: I can save us.