who are you where are you from and where are you going

Kyleigh 2022-04-19 09:01:38

When I was very young, I thought about a question, if people don't eat, don't feel hungry, don't sleep and don't feel sleepy, what direction will our life develop? Regarding this open question, I have fantasized about many versions, and the world of Chappie is also in one version of my fantasies. Not the best nor the worst. Eventually, machines will replace humans. If you believe in evolution, sympathize with Snowden, and happen to like sci-fi since childhood, then you and I will probably be the same kind of people. We live in the last few numbers of the countdown, it could be 10, it could be 5, it could be 321. Enjoy the joy brought by technology, this is God's compensation for being the last human being. We live in the end times, we can't do anything, we can only revel.

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Extended Reading

Chappie quotes

  • Chappie: I just want to live.

  • Chappie: I can save us.