
Bradford 2022-05-23 16:40:03

Spock peas is really pink and lovely. He was quite handsome when he was young, but fortunately, the LN Grandpa version of Spock is back, no one can replace him!
Saavik is very good. It would be great if the two people were combined when SPOCK erupted. Haha~
KIRK's son is still very good. He sacrificed himself in the end and was very brave, although I had never liked him before.
When KIRK's son died, KIRK was very sad. He fell to the ground and covered him with clothes after going down. Unlike some people say, he only cares about SPOCK.
I have been and ever shall be your friend~~~Although KIRK died in the following movie, Grandpa LN and WS are still alive and healthy. It is our greatest happiness~~~
Although Dr. McMcy is old, that pair of babies Blue eyes are still so bright~~~
SPOCK’s dad is also very human in this episode,'my logic is uncertain where my son is concerned, dad is great~~~
This time we've paid for the party with our dearest blood. Fortunately, I live in an era when the third film has already been filmed.

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Extended Reading

Star Trek III: The Search for Spock quotes

  • Kirk: [stomping on Kruge] I have had... enough... of YOU!

    [Kruge falls screaming into the lavascape below]

  • [McCoy is informed of the danger of the transfusion]

    McCoy: I choose the danger.

    [Kirk glances at McCoy]

    McCoy: [mutters to Kirk] Hell of a time to ask...