You must bring more warlocks to the battlefield.

Gregorio 2022-04-20 09:01:30

When I scanned this year's trailers at the beginning of the year, the battleships were quite appetizing, with cannons, giant ships, alien spaceships, fires of war, and the fashionable elements of popcorn films. It was immediately listed as a must-see movie this year, but the trailer was cut with a good B, and the SB movie made in the film was watched a lot, especially with the typical battle of Los Angeles. I didn't overestimate the brilliance of the film before I went, but after watching it, it was still worth the ticket price.
In fact, WOWERs in this film seem to have a different kind of emotion. This is the tactical teaching of the arena.
It is said that there is such a group of WOWERs on the G-star server. It is estimated that the server card is dead. I want to change the server. It is a coincidence that the earth server is releasing news everywhere, saying that this server has a pure atmosphere and good delay. Welcome to visit, the gang of G-star As soon as I saw it, I immediately sent a five-person team to play the front station. From the back of the plot, it can be seen that a DK is a MT, a three DPS thief, and a warlock who brings a pull person. I originally planned to open the door and pull people immediately when I arrived, but I didn’t expect it. When the warlock came over, it was time for the card to be disconnected, and he couldn't get on the board. The MT changed his tactics when he saw it, sneaked in, don't shoot the gun, and plunged into the sea, ready to sneakily find the collection stone on the earth suit, and send a signal to pull people.
But when they landed, they found the wrong place, and it happened that the most powerful union in the Earth service, the United States, had drawn 14 small unions to form a group and were preparing to line up to start the battlefield. I got stuck in there, what should I do? Let’s fight, let’s talk about a 40-man regiment on the other side, don’t let people crush you on the battlefield, DK has a trick, immediately put up the anti-magic shield, aircraft carriers, planes, missiles and other long-range magic weapons are all out of order, let that The three thieves went to arrange a 3v3, and there was no way for the earth to get 3 thieves to go in and play 3v3. At the beginning, the hero's brother's battleship used a feint attack. The problem is pvp, what feint to use. The aliens came up with a five-star eviscerate to give his brother's battleship a second, and a damage to the hero's captain After sending it to the sky, the hero's battleship rushed up without sneaking, and even put a blame on the Japanese battleship. As a result, the hatred was immediately sucked into the Japanese base friend, and it was given a second. The situation became 1v3 and it was about to end. The protagonist's halo started to activate. The aliens actually started to use knight etiquette. You don't hit me, and I won't hit you. After dark, both sides became stealth, and no one could see the other. , but this is the earth server. Japanese friends said that our grandson is very familiar with the art of war, and the home field is greatly advantageous. This place used to be full of flares. As a result, two alien warships stepped on the buoy and rushed over, letting the male protagonist put a bunch of knives and fans, and a few cruise missiles were beaten into souls. In the end, the ship learned to be smart and walked around, but was blinded by the hero and Japanese friends, and a series of damages were resolved.
DK saw that there was nothing he could do, and he was left with the shield cutting talent. Fortunately, the army of the dead was opened before, and the brothers who were released took over the hero's battleship.
The protagonist's number has been assigned, how can the movie be played? Change numbers! The protagonist finds a battleship during World War II. Even if it is an environmentally friendly ship, it can't stand the operation of the cow. The sailors are all general marshals played in the battlefield of World War II. DK skill CD, driving the impulsive dance, beat DK to kneel.
As a result, such an arena NB team, the Earth's temporary wild team scored zero points. It can be seen how important it is to bring a warlock who can pull people and anti-submarine.
In fact, the whole film is very good, the story is compact, the shots are smooth, the tone is relaxed, the scene is hot, the logic basically makes sense, and the students who have seen the three-body must have some kind of deja vu. If you can see the shadow, the earth and the aliens will see who shoots the first shot. Except for those few obvious grooves, the alien detection technology, bulletproof glass, etc., there are no major flaws, and it is still a movie suitable for taking Coke and popcorn for audio-visual addiction. of.

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Battleship quotes

  • Petty Officer Cora 'Weps' Raikes: We've ended up in a department run by some kind of Donald Trump-Mike Tyson mutant combo.

    Alex Hopper: What was that, Petty Officer Raikes?

    Petty Officer Cora 'Weps' Raikes: Nothing, sir.

    Alex Hopper: I swear you said Donald Trump. Wanna clarify? I think I heard a "Mike Tyson" as well.

    Petty Officer Cora 'Weps' Raikes: If you did, it was only in reference to the fact that you both project great physical intensity, sir.

    Alex Hopper: That's flattering.

  • Admiral Shane: [to Alex] Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm late for lunch. Think I'll have a chicken burrito.