Although this work still cannot reach the level of "Two Smoking Guns" and "Plunder", it is undoubtedly a sign of Richie's return. ONE TWO, I don't want strippers, I want you! BOB IS A FUCKING GAY! So funny! ! !
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Garnet 2022-04-19 09:01:36
View more about RocknRolla reviews
Archie: ...and he'll be in there like swimwear.
Archie: Bandy, you ever ask a stupid question like that again, see Danny there? He's gonna slap you.
Bandy: Sorry Arch, I was, I was just trying to use initiative.
Archie: Danny, slap him.
[Danny smacks Bandy]
Archie: With the right, Danny, properly.
[Danny smacks Bandy with the right hand]
Archie: No, no, no, NO! Come on, do it properly with the back of the right hand!
Danny: What is this, a tennis match, Arch?
Archie: Slap him!
[Danny slaps Bandy]
Archie: Oh, for fu... Like this.
[slaps Bandy himself]
Archie: Now if you can master a slap like that, there's no need for your clients to hold back. They will open up like a fountain, full of words. No need for strong violence, no no. They're transported back to their childhoods. Putty in your hands. Ask Bandy. Look, thinks he's back at school.
Danny: But he never went to school, Arch.
Archie: You want a slap as well, Daniel, eh? Now, if a slap don't work, you cut 'em or you pay 'em. But you keep your receipts, 'cause this ain't the Mafia. Now get out there 'n look for the painting!