Memories of a movie theater

Lucile 2022-04-21 09:01:28

Sicily is always a place full of stories. This time, it is a story from a movie theater.
The first half of the film is full of joy. There are many eccentric childhoods, many nervous teenagers because of their first love, and bursts of laughter from the Paradise Theater, The audience's cute expression because of being addicted to the movie, the town's urchin's pranks in the theater again and again... And all of this, in the second half of the film, is particularly sad because of the memories. In the middle
of the year, he returned to him full of memories . When I looked at the old movie posters, star photos, and childhood photos, my eyes were wet.
Before the funeral procession of Avery passed the Paradise Theater, Duoduo's closed eyes opened and watched. When I arrived at a dilapidated and abandoned theater, I shed tears. When I went to heaven and the theater
was bombed, my simple tears turned into tears.
His, when the film was over thirty years late, I burst into tears.
Before that, no movie except "Forever Annie" asked me for so many tears.
Watching this movie was originally aimed at Chicago Sun -Time's comment "Any one loves movies is likely to love Cinema Paradiso", but only remembered a comment from Washingtion Post "It is , in a word ,exquisite."

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Cinema Paradiso quotes

  • Salvatore: They tell me you never go out and you never talk to anybody. Why?

    Alfredo: You know how it is. Sooner or later a time comes when it's all the same whether you talk or not. So you might as well shut up.

  • Salvatore: At a party, a lieutenant pinches this girl's ass. She turns around. It's the colonel's daughter. Terrified, the lieutenant says, "If your heart is as hard as what I just felt, I'm a dead man."