This is really like a horror movie

Al 2022-10-14 03:04:28

I watched it at 9:30 last night in Peace Film City. It was the screening film of the Shanghai International Film Festival, IMAX 3D. The director is the famous Robert Zemeckis (Robert Zemeckis), starring: Kim Carey.

This time, the director used 3D live-action animation again. That is, the animation is performed in the image of a real person. The CG image of the animation is very similar to a real person. At first glance, it is a real person, but it is not. Last time, he used this technique skillfully in the movies "Polar Express" and "Beowulf", bringing the animated live-action images of Tom Hanks and Angelina Jolie on the big screen. This time it’s even more powerful, bringing Kim Carrey’s elderly image on the screen, still using high-tech technologies such as Motion Capture and Electro-Eye Tracing (EOG) to create CG animations.

The special effects of the movie are very strong, especially on the IMAX big screen. Some shots flying over London in the sky are very enjoyable, and the scene is particularly strong.

I personally think that the story is a bit tragic. Just because Scrooge is a stingy miser, he will be squeezed out and mocked by the elves? In China, in a country where there is freedom of belief, or no belief, it is unbelievable that a person will be cast aside because he does not like to spend Christmas. But in Western countries, if a person is stingy enough to not even Christmas, then there is a big problem with that person's character.

Of course, the film ended with a happy ending. Scrooge reflected on it and became a generous, well-known old man who loved Christmas. Everyone turned from disgusting him to liking him. Westerners say: Middle Eastern countries are "evil" with faith; while Chinese people are "evil" without faith. Suddenly, I feel that belief is sometimes used to deceive and exclude others. If you are not our kind, please go away alone and go alone.

To say that it is a horror movie is not only from some scenes of the movie, but also from the theme it wants to expose. This movie is actually adapted from Charles Dickens's original novel. The film premiered at the end of 2009, and it was a good time for Westerners’ Christmas. Unfortunately, when I put it here, summer has already begun, and the Christmas atmosphere has long since disappeared.

It is not a big sin to be stingy, not to mention not loving Christmas. From some angles, the filming was a bit radical.

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Extended Reading

A Christmas Carol quotes

  • [from trailer]

    Ebenezer Scrooge: What do you want with me?

    Jacob Marley: You will be haunted by three spirits.

    Ebenezer Scrooge: I'd rather not.

  • [from trailer]

    [to the Ghost of Christmas Past]

    Ebenezer Scrooge: Haunt me no longer!