three-dimensional film

Alexandria 2022-04-20 09:01:18

Regarding the part about Sonny being captured in the end, but no one looked back at him, most of the comments when they saw the barrage were "Why should I watch it? I wish he died", and I have something to say. Is Sonny a bad guy? In a big way, of course. He took hostages, robbed banks, caused panic by shooting, lost money, and deserved to be captured. But is he really a bad guy? I don't think so. In the process of taking the hostages, he did not hurt anyone, tried to keep everyone safe, ordered food for everyone, taught people to use guns, and made husbands who were worried about their wives talk to their wives on the phone. If he is really a bad person, beaten, tortured, and threatened his life in exchange for his life, this is what a bad person should do. He's a fool, an incompetent, an unlucky guy, but definitely not a bad guy. In the process of getting along with the hostages, he did not do evil, but tried his best to express goodwill within his ability. So in the end he was captured, and it was too much to expect those people to take a look at him and sympathize with a little guy who was tortured by life and had no way to go and finally went to a dead end? I know a lot of people will say, try to kidnap you, the Holy Mother speaks, bad people are bad people and so on. But people are really not that flat. For example, a person can cheat for a living at the same time, or give his life to save a strange child. Do you think this is a good person or a bad person? Should it be scolded or praised? There is no such one-sided evaluation. Sonny's robbery of a bank is indeed illegal for the public, and he should be beaten and killed, but he is not bad for the hostages, and he has no loss in personal virtue. From Sonny's point of view, he is capable of harming but not harming others. As a cornered little guy, he finally yearns for a little sympathy, a little empathy, or even just a little attention from others about his end, which doesn't count. Excessive. He was justifiably disappointed. As a spectator, you don't have to be so upright, so on-line, black and white. Because "people" are inherently complex and gray, there is no absolute good or bad. Finally, a few more words about watching the movie. I like watching movies and novels very much because I can see all kinds of real characters, all kinds of angles, and the complexity of human nature. This is the real world. A prostitute can be more human than a nobleman, and a bank robber can be a good guy. Horror live broadcasts, scorching sun, too many stories discussing the conflict between human nature good and evil and the boundaries of behavior, all they want to tell us is that humans are very complex animals. Stories teach us and guide us to look at the world in a three-dimensional, empathic, and more inclusive way, to see everyone's suffering, everyone's good, and everyone's happiness. personal bad. Instead of making us more extreme and one-sided.

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Dog Day Afternoon quotes

  • Sonny: [on a TV broadcast over the phone] I'm robbing a bank because they got money here. That's why I'm robbing it.

    TV Anchorman: No, what I mean is why do you feel you have to steal for money? Couldn't you get a job?

    Sonny: Uh, no. Doing what? You know if you want a job you've got to be a member of a union. See, and if you got no union card you don't get a job.

    TV Anchorman: What about non-union occupations?

    Sonny: What's wrong with this guy? What do you mean non-union, like what? A bank teller? You know how much a bank teller makes a week? Not much. A hundred and fifteen to start, right? Now are you going to live on that? I got a wife and a couple of kids, how am I going to live on that? What do you make a week?

    TV Anchorman: Well I'm here to talk to you Sonny...

    Sonny: Well I'm talking to you. We're entertainment, right? What do you got for us?

    TV Anchorman: Well what do you want to get for it? Do you expect to be paid because...

    Sonny: No, I don't want to be paid, I don't need to be paid. Look, I'm here with my partner and nine other people, see. And we're dying, man. You know? You're going to see our brains on the sidewalk, they're going to spill our guts out. Now are you going to show that on television? Have all your housewives look at that? Instead of As The World Turns? I mean what do you got for me? I want something for that.

    TV Anchorman: Sonny, you could give up?

    Sonny: Give up? Right. Have you ever been in prison?

    TV Anchorman: No!

    Sonny: No! Well let's talk about something you fucking know about, okay? How much do you make a week? That's what I want to hear. Are you going to talk to me about that?

    [a "Please Stand By" graphic appears on the TV screen]

    Sonny: Hey, what the fuck happened?

    Mulvaney: I guess he didn't appreciate your use of language.

    Sonny: Fuck him.

  • Pizza Boy: [while delivering pizzas to Sonny and Sal] I'm a fucking star!