The Conjuring 2 - Love and bravery conquer all

Garfield 2022-04-21 09:01:42

I watched two main lines of Conjuring for two days in a row. It feels really good! Mainly because, under the worldview of conjuring, the plot in the movie can basically make sense. I think it's a ghost movie with very few bugs I've seen.

Compared with the first and second, the plots are fuller, and the average horror level is higher than that of the first. The image of the ghost nun is really scary. But it may be because of the public account that has seen spoilers before, there are some scary places that lose the effect of suddenly scaring you. But still frightened.

However, American horror films are not as scary as Asia's. Because I always feel like I can reason with the ghosts in America. He came to you for a reason, and if you figure out the reason, it's actually nothing to be afraid of. And the movie promotes a spirit of strengthening oneself and then conquering fear. It can be said to be quite inspiring! The spiritual worldview emphasizes that fear comes from the heart. Demons also come from within. So as long as my heart is strong enough, nothing can hurt me. But the ghosts in Asia are all desperate, how much you have love in your heart, brave and fearless, it is useless, just to kill you.

The reason why The Conjuring 2 is so cool for me is that there are many places to be thrilled, but there is a deciphering process of hard-guy suspense novels throughout the whole process. Many clues are interlinked. This routine is very appealing to me. And to some extent reduce the fear. It is worth mentioning that the rhythm of the movie is grasped, that is, the kind of rhythm that gives you a little time to think, but does not have enough time to scare you. like very much!

But after watching the movie, I have a lot of doubts.

The biggest question is, what is the purpose of Valak? What does she want from the heroine? I even thought that there is some kind of mysterious relationship between the heroine's life experience and the ghost nun.

When I finished watching The Conjuring 2, I knew I still couldn't find the answer after watching Ghost Nun. Sure enough... It seems that we still have to expect the main storyline to give us the answer.

Although this movie is a horror thriller with ghosts, the spirit that the movie wants to convey is still very positive. And it is a good material for learning English.

To actually study English in front of this film? I am also very poisonous.

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Extended Reading

The Conjuring 2 quotes

  • Janet Hodgson: [referring to the demon] It said it wants to hurt you.

    Lorraine Warren: When did it say that?

    Janet Hodgson: Right now.

  • Ed Warren: [when Lorraine doesn't comment on his painting] I know I'm no Picasso, but I didn't think it was *that* bad.