Soul 2 has highlights

Jerad 2022-04-20 09:01:32

As a sequel to "Soul 2", the plot continues the exorcism journey of the scholar couple. This time the haunted house in London was lived by a single mother with three daughters, two sons and six people. The reason for the haunting is that the old man Bill who died in this house wanted to return to the house to see his relatives. , Unexpectedly, the house has been resold to the family, and in anger, he is possessed by a series of horrific incidents of harassment and intimidation by Janet, the youngest daughter of the family.

If the story is like this, the similar plots will be boring and boring, but the turning points often come suddenly, the old man Bill is also a victim, and the big boss has other demons. It turns out that the Boss was an "old friend", the ghost nun Valak, who had been seen by his wife Lorraine in her yin and yang eyes during the exorcism of the couple many years ago, causing her to lock herself up for eight days without eating or drinking. This ghost has been haunting her mind, constantly threatening her not to participate in exorcism activities, otherwise her husband Edward will be killed.

Valak is indeed a high-level demon, who can kill people and ghosts. Not only will he spare the poor mother and daughter, but he will also spare the undead old man Bill, and will not let him leave the house and return to heaven. Valak's appearance in the film is a punishment for Lorraine's disobedience -- bringing to life the countless images of her husband's death in Lorraine's mind. At the last moment, Lorraine pronounced the demon's name, and the demon disappeared, saving her husband Ed and the girl Janet.

Different from other exorcism movies and "Soul 1", there are layers of stories wrapped in this film, which are peeled off layer by layer, approaching the truth step by step, pointing straight to the ultimate boss, surprises and burdens are constant, and the quality is better than "Soul 1" is better.

Valak was originally one of the seventy-two demons under the command of Belial, the Great Demon King who signed a contract with King Solomon. Wikipedia mentions that Valak's image is a little boy with wings and his mount is a two-headed dragon. It hides in a snake demon, obeys the call of a magician, and knows all treasures. Looking at the description and the image of the ghost nun in the film are very different, the only similarity seems to be the eyes, the snake-like cunning and sharp yellow eyes, which makes people creepy. Director Wen is very caring. For audiences who are particularly curious about ghost nuns, he also produced a special "Ghost Nun", which you can watch when you have time.

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The Conjuring 2 quotes

  • Janet Hodgson: [referring to the demon] It said it wants to hurt you.

    Lorraine Warren: When did it say that?

    Janet Hodgson: Right now.

  • Ed Warren: [when Lorraine doesn't comment on his painting] I know I'm no Picasso, but I didn't think it was *that* bad.