That's just the beginning of love

Tina 2022-12-22 04:24:21

This is an American drama. There are many Chinese translations. The most common one should be "Mei Mei Proofreading". After the third season of Veronica Mars aired in 2008, she was selected because of low ratings (the gossip girl who received the file, and the actor of Veronica Mars actually also participated. The narration in Gossip Girl is the voice of the little V; And Queen B, has also played a small role in Veronica Mars), fans who love it have not been able to wait for the fourth season, and have not been able to wait for the return of the small V.

As a result, all the stories come to an abrupt end at the end of the third season. Regardless of the suspense remaining in the play, or the relationship between V and L, I feel resentful because I can't see any direction, but because I can look forward to any direction. I feel more resentful (Isn’t there a saying that says "Anyway is death, is it better than a knife to make you happy").

The resentment that Veronica Mars gave me is different from that of other TV shows. Other TV shows have settled down and are powerless (even if I make a sequel, it is not the love of the people at the time), but Veronica Mars makes people always have illusions. And ready to move.

I am so eager to know if there is any mystery behind Lily's case that has been solved in the first season; so eagerly I want to see what weird cases will happen when Xiao V's internship at the FBI; more importantly, I With such ardent hope, Veronica and Logan, there will be one day when their lives return to peace and the memories of the past events that happened to them fade away, even if all the passion fades, too. I still have the courage and confidence to go hand in hand, just like the beginning of my favorite season three, when the two of them went to college together, looking like an old couple.

I still remember that it was still a certain stage of graduate school, the degenerate era of crazy watching dramas, because too many people watched them also became impetuous. Among the bunch of Chinese translations on ftp, I chose it because I thought it was a light comedy. Use it to decompress without using too much brainpower-it turns out that my judgment is extremely wrong, although Veronica Mars is not as intertwined and bloody and violent as prison escape, because the definition of the heroine is a campus detective. The small cases in the collection are not too complicated, but the campus in the United States is not the campus in China. What's more, the big cases that run through each season often don't reveal the answer until the last episode of the season. What's more, just that one. The feelings for LO-VE are enough to make me entangled, and even resentful to this day.

However, I am so grateful for the wrong judgment at the time. If it were not for the momentary attempt, for an American drama that was cut midway due to its low ratings, I think I might not have the chance to meet it. If that is the case, I Will miss a worthy American drama, and therefore will miss LO-VE!

I once regarded Logan, the flowery and bad rich man in the first season, as a role to accompany Duncan, a good friend of Lily, a good friend of Veronica’s ex-boyfriend, and a good friend of Duncan’s ex-boyfriend. I don't know how to learn or even do all the evil, and I don't see the mystery of the intentional screenwriter naming the role at all. Well, Veronica and Logan, fans who love them call them the LO-VE combination. No matter how many times they are combined, they are destined to be a natural pair since the kiss at a certain moment in the first season. And the facts have also proved that Logan is the undoubted male number one, Duncan is the one who plays soy sauce!

The reason why I insist that they are a natural pair is because I don't know who can really comfort Logan except Veronica.

——Good friend Ducan, he finished the soy sauce before the end of the second season; is his murderer and the father of the celebrity who is always violent to Logan, was shot and killed after being acquitted; is his mother? , He committed suicide by jumping into the sea in the first season; is his sister? It turns out that she is not his sister; even Parker, who seems pure as water, still can’t work.

——All of his past, including his family of cups, don’t need him to explain. Thanks to his celebrity dad, the TV station has already made relevant programs and broadcast them over and over again, I am afraid that no one will know; but Knowing his past does not mean that you understand him. Many times explaining the past does not mean that you are willing to explain yourself

-but for Veronica, no one knows his past better than her, because it is also her past, just because they share the same In the past, sometimes they don’t need to explain to each other, they only need to trust each other and give each other a hug to comfort each other.

——Although Veronica is much luckier than Logan, as well as the father who loves her and the friends who have always supported her, but the most important thing is that in the world of love, I also insist that no one can comfort except Logan. Veronica.

If we use our words to describe the fate between the two people, I am afraid that it can only be described by the evil fate. I have been hesitant to use the simplest words to explain the intricate relationship between Veronica and Logan, and finally decided to give up. As the most exciting main line of this American drama, I don't want to use my pale language to take it in a few words. It is more important. The thing is, I don’t want to spoil it too much, because of this American drama, I want to recommend it. The love in the TV series doesn't make me feel irritated much, but Veronica Mars is one of them.

In the third season, Veronica and Logan broke up. V said to L, that was an injury that I couldn't touch in my heart. We are over. Of course, the past that has been experienced together is an opportunity for two people to be together, but it can also be a fuse for two people to separate. However, I still want to say that the insecurities and unstable factors that exist in the two of them, and the harm that those painful past have caused them, there will be no third person to help them heal. I have always insisted. For each other, they are not a role that can be replaced by any other person. What they lack is time, whether it is time to grow slowly or time to learn to love each other better, because in the end, they can only truly Nirvana by relying on each other. Rebirth.

I still remember that scene. When Veronica and Logan secretly dating were exposed in front of everyone, facing everyone's shocking and even contemptuous eyes, Logan said, Veronica is my girlfriend, and I would not welcome anyone who does not welcome her. So many people left the field in front of them, but he never gave up holding V's hand.

I really want time to stay at that moment, but is that the best time? It doesn't seem to be, it's just the beginning of love.

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Veronica Mars quotes

  • Troy: When sexy, sassy girls can't come to a shindig of mine, it's time for all parties involved to stand up and just admit that, hey, maybe I was a little bit wrong or sorry. I mean, let bygones by bygones. Screw pride. Let's dance, baby, let's dance!

    Wallace: That was beautiful, man.

  • Trina: Will you just hear me out, please? My boyfriend Dylan spotted me some cash a few months ago and now he's bugging me about it. I can't get him off my back.

    Logan: Did you try standing up?