Before Sunrise&Sunset: Another Existence of Time

Donavon 2022-04-20 09:01:24

Watched these two movies together in one day. I liked it very much after watching before sunrise. After lunch, I watched before sunset. It was only less than three hours in the middle, in fact, it was 9 years. The story of the movie is 9 years apart, and the shooting is the same.
What do you like about this movie. I wanted to watch it for a long time, thinking it was a romance, the romantic encounter between an American man and a French beauty, but I was fatally attracted by the dialogue inside. Think, it is the topic that it talks about, doubts, and has no answer at all.
You are as unhappy as I am. The woman said this to the man, and then laughed. It's better that way, but sorry, I didn't mean to.
The film touched my heart's words one by one, suddenly metaphysical, then metaphysical, serious propositions and joking banter, blending into a just right taste.
The theme of the film is a chance encounter, and it is a new version of the 24-hour "Hiroshima Love".
We have time for such a thing. We say nothing is fairer than time. No matter rich or poor, everyone is equal. But wait, we still have a way of living like a year or something else. Time sometimes takes on different textures. Like this encounter. In terms of the investment at that time and the attention people paid to it in the long years thereafter, its weight is far greater than its linear significance.
Time is still that time, tick tick, not stopping for anyone. But it also stayed, in people's brains, in memory. So nothing is more important than chance when I watch this movie in a continuous, no more than 3 hours a day apart, and yes, there is too much in life that doesn't matter, except to be ignored, there is nothing left Traces, time has hurriedly spanned 9 years, linking the most cherished ones together. Yes, the continuity of the film tells me that in linear time, another way of existence of time, the same time and space, in the brain, has obtained another kind of immortality.
Strange, that's what we really want, we suddenly get it, and we lose it suddenly, it tells us its preciousness with its fleetingness, it doesn't belong to us easily, but because of that fleeting encounter, The turbulence stirred up in our hearts will last a long time, and will even accompany us for a lifetime. Therefore, how important it is, it is not only short-lived.
We watched the two men in silence, and we talked, "It's rare to have this kind of real communication with people anymore," Celine later discovered, she told Jesse. This is what they talk about. Meet frankly, talk about everything, be extra relaxed, and keep expectations. The richness and ambiguity of this inner communication mixed with various emotions undoubtedly made this dialogue particularly attractive.
Would love to hear what they have to say. After watching their conversation in the summer of 1994, I was still not satisfied, staring at the screen greedily, wanting to hear what they said in the summer of 2003. After that, what about the encounter in 20XX? I look forward to their next chat.
Do you believe in reincarnation? Maybe. It was 1994 and Jesse asked Celine. Celine agrees politely.
Do you believe in God? No, of course not. It was 2003 and Jesse asked Celine. Celine didn't hesitate.
In fact, in 9 years, they changed. Seems to understand something better. It seems to be more sure of myself and to understand myself.
But what do they think about themselves?
Celine said, I looked at my diary in 1983 and found that the outlook on life at that time was the same as it is now, maybe more naive, but it didn't change.
Jesse said, I want to be successful, I want to be better, even at the cost of losing who I really am.
I think they can continue on this topic, and the most interesting result is that after a long circle, they find that they are stuck where they started.
Celine said she once saw a successful man, 52, burst into tears when he realized he never lived for himself.
Realize the meaning of these two brief encounters, and live for yourself.
The translated titles of the two films are very poetic. Love is before the dawn, love is after the sunset, the sunrise and sunset are eternal, and we are all just stardust, and we will be eternal, floating in the universe, and very For a short time, slip past without a trace.

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Extended Reading

Before Sunset quotes

  • Celine: Do I look any different?

    [long pause]

    Celine: I do?

    Jesse: I'd have to see you naked.

  • Jesse: In the months leading up to my wedding, I was thinking about you all the time. I mean, even on my way there; I'm in the car, a buddy of mine is driving me downtown and I'm staring out the window, and I think I see you, not far from the church, right? Folding up an umbrella and walking into a deli on the corner of 13th and Broadway. And I thought I was going crazy, but now I think it probably was you.

    Celine: I lived on 11th and Broadway.

    Jesse: You see?