life always goes on

Miles 2022-04-20 09:01:24

Sigh. finally got up the courage and started typing on the keyboard.

About a year ago, I stumbled upon Before sunrise. It just felt like a beautiful, romantic love story. It is a story in the dreams of many people, and it is very happy to walk with them slowly in the movie.

Then, I saw Ethan Hawke's taking lives by chance recently, and I suddenly felt in love with this 70-year-old man. Then, searched for all the information about him, and saw Before sunset. Was eager to rummage around. Thank god. Finally found it.

On a quiet summer afternoon, holding coffee, opened the long-awaited picture.
In the bookstore, Ethan added a lot of charm and talked about his books. The wedding ring on the left hand is striking. Then, when his eyes wandered, Julie stood quietly on the side with a shallow smile.
The reunion nine years later began like this.
They were still walking, chatting, and walking through the streets of Paris. Cafes, parks, cruises...
Seeing each other after nine years, I can't hide the excitement and restraint. I don't know if he/she who he is thinking about in his heart is the same as himself, and he still misses that short time. So, I casually talked about various topics, but avoided what I wanted to know the most.

From the time they walked out of the bookstore and walked to the cafe side by side, I started to cry. Under the seemingly calm conversation, dark waves raged. This is the figure who lingered in the dream for a long time, this is the man who took away all the romance about love.

They chatted slowly, and the story unfolded quietly. It turned out that we were all missing that short night, we gave all our love to each other, chewed that short time thousands of times, and put it in the deepest part of our hearts.

Ethan seems to have a happy family, children, and career, while Julie has lost the passion for love and being loved, and lives a lonely life. Julie finally lost control of her emotions in the car when her mask of strong disguise was torn off a little bit. Watching her hysterical outbursts made her distressed to the death. Men may be strong animals, at least they will be very restrained. Ethan was in pain all the time, but he always had that shallow smile on his face. Only occasionally flashed heartache eyes.

Listening to each other's painful feelings about life, they both want to comfort each other. However, the raised hand did not know where to put it, and finally put it down. Remaining in the air, the hand at a loss, for a moment, tears flowed down.

After all, Ethan has a family of his own. They can only cherish this short gathering carefully and keep their distance deliberately. All Julie could ask for was a parting hug, and all Ethan could do was try to make Julie happy. Postponing the time of leaving, I hope I can stay with her for a while, listen to her for more conversations, take another look at her appearance, send her home, look at her room, approach her life, listen to her Singing a song on the guitar...

but that could have been part of the mundane life they had!

When Ethan was leaning on the sofa and Julie was sitting beside the bed holding the guitar and singing that song, I couldn't hold it any longer, tears were streaming down my face. She sang softly, and when she joined little Jessie in the middle, she was a little shy and full of affection. He listened quietly, with a faint smile and an affectionate gaze.

Baby, you will miss the plane.
I know.

Just leave it in the warmth. Thanks to the director, there is no cruelty to let us see the ending.

Let me sing you a waltz.

I cried a lot that day, and now the tears are flowing quietly.

What is the essence of life, I do not want to discuss. It's a beautiful thing to share most of your life with another person along the way. Love, such a beautiful feeling, such a beautiful thing.

I know a little girl who has liked someone for ten years. She is now studying in the United States, and it is very hard. I insist on coming back every year to see my parents and meet my friends. Of course including him. She said that as long as she saw the happiness of his life, she felt relieved and could do things with peace of mind. She is a very beautiful girl and very smart. However, she said she would never find that feeling again. It seems that this unrequited unrequited love has exhausted all her passion and romance about love. How is this similar to Julie?
Tears flashed in her eyes, and she said that she was very excited and looking forward to returning home every time. When you come back, keep yourself busy watching your parents, meeting your friends, and immersing yourself in the beauty. Not giving myself any time to think about going back to school is a huge sadness. After I went back, I started to slowly recall and chew slowly. During this period, every hour, every minute, every day, every minute, I did not miss any details. Because this is the source of happiness in life, living by memories.

My tears also came. In the face of a shaky tomorrow, in the face of a person's life, and the love that will not come, it seems that you can taste the faint despair.

Whenever something happens, everyone will comfort, encourage, talk, move on and so on. However, after you have experienced the most beautiful feelings, how can you move on? What can make you numb your nerves and experience the beauty of life again?

Sure, life is not just about love, not just about feelings, there are more things, such as responsibility, such as value. Just...

Okay. Just let it go.

Everything will be ok.
It's happy to have memories to live on.

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Before Sunset quotes

  • Celine: Do I look any different?

    [long pause]

    Celine: I do?

    Jesse: I'd have to see you naked.

  • Jesse: In the months leading up to my wedding, I was thinking about you all the time. I mean, even on my way there; I'm in the car, a buddy of mine is driving me downtown and I'm staring out the window, and I think I see you, not far from the church, right? Folding up an umbrella and walking into a deli on the corner of 13th and Broadway. And I thought I was going crazy, but now I think it probably was you.

    Celine: I lived on 11th and Broadway.

    Jesse: You see?